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[KSL Practice Studio]

Yixing was precise an careful with his movements, while being completely lost in the beat, He may have been drenched in sweat, fringe sticking to his forehead, But he was used to it, Completing his routine was the focus, he'd done it so many times he's lost count, but it had to be near perfect.

The song finished and the moment he stopped dancing he felt everything the practice had done, Aching everywhere, He laid down as pure exhaustion took over his body, While his dongsaengs Jongin & Sehun laid asleep.

Sleeping through the previous blaring music, Jongin a notorious deep sleeper, Sat back against the mirror,A black cap hooding his eyes, His extended legs supporting the head of Sehun who'd fallen asleep on his lap, Resting out of habit on the other, the room quiet an still.

Yixing always practiced the longest and came up with 70% of choreography for KSL their stage name initials, They practically lived in this studio, everyone who knew them knew the boys passion, All the hard work they put into everything they did, the three boys were precious to their friends family and even classmates.

Jongin being the most popular having the ability to melt a girl's heart with one single smile, Jongin was sly, ridiculously handsome an oh so confident, Then his other side which he only showed those closest to him, Revealed a more playful kiddish an hyper at times teen, his true self.

Yixing is the best influence on him Jongin's family would say, as an older male since He only had older sister's Yuri 22 & Sooyoung 21. Who both belong to YSY, a three member crew like his.

At the same time 17 year old Jongin really admired and grew fond of his hyung and best friend Yixing 18 Because both loved dancing almost their whole lives, It's the shared passion that started their four year friendship, Yixing's aunt owned the ballet dance studio they reside in.

The studio being a former ballet studio is what made Jongin love it even more and in their early days (4 years ago) Yixing's aunt was kind enough the teach ballet to him which came in handy.

Jongin adored ballet, It helped his dance become more fluent and strengthen his bond with Yixing, He just really respected him, Yixing always made Jongin feel treasured and took good care of he and Sehun.

Sehun the maknae and always treated as such, He developed asthma at a young age, but didn't let that stop his love for dance, Loves both his hyungs but is a bit closer with Jongin, because they knew each other the longest and Sehun usually clung to his side most, But both consider Sehun literally as their little brother.

Yixing being the oldest is determined.. prideful of his family and friends, caring and very very close with his twin sister Yiyun 18, (who dances in a rival crew named Darkhorse) His personality was more reserved maturer than his age, Sometimes melancholy and a bit of a loner, Only those he's close with receive his affection and see his gentle side.

After laying still and getting his breathing together, Yixing dragged himself from the floor to get a bottle of water out his bag. He was always in a need of water it seemed.

Jongin started to awaken, "Jongin-ah you want one?" tossing him the second one he held,

The sharp dancer catches it with quick reflexes barely awake, "Hm" Jongin sleepily groaned.

"Letting you know were leaving in a few" Yixing told him gulping down his water.

"Three more minutes of sleep?" Jongin mumbled, Yixing chuckled at him then looked up to see who walked in, 

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