Santa Claus

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  • Dedicated to My Brother, who plays COD nonstop and made me hate it more than ever <3

Dear Santa Claus:

I know your existance is questioned by some people, others choose not to believe, and others believe well into adulthood. I just wanted to ask you for some things in case you do exist, which I am almost certain of- how else would your name appear on the present tag wouldn't it be forgery if my parents wrote it.

I feel I have been good this year not bugging my sister as much as I used to do, I take the dog for a walk when I'm told to, even did my homework on time that one week. So if you recieve this letter and you are real like my parents say and sister still believes since she's only 6 would you please bring me this stuff.

1. That new COD because COD is cool to kids my age for some reason.

2. A headset for COD so I can talk to my online friends (in a nice manner, honest).

3. A muzzle for my sister so she stops asking me if she can play COD.

4. A new BB gun so I can shoot things when mom says no more COD and I should do something outside.

5. A Dragon so I can be the coolest kid at school (dragons are way cooler than COD).

So, Santa that is what I want this year and I feel I have been super good. If you get me this stuff I won't ever question your existance again, unlike that tooth fairy what a girly thing to believe in. If you could get me a dragon, make it a green one that shoots fire. 

My buddies want me back on COD now, so I'll leave the letter as it is. If you want me to believe in you get me that stuff, there is no way I could get a BB gun from my parents so it is the only way. Tell Rudolph I said hi, he's always been my favorite reindeer.


Pre-teen boy who secretly still believes in Santa.

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