My Little Ponies

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  • Dedicated to The Society For The Prevention of My Little Ponies

Dear My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic Obsessives,

I understand that it is a show for something that has been in the childhood of most girls for years but take your love down a notch. When I can't look through facebook pictures for pokemon fan sites without seeing My Little Pony fan art, or go through art sites like DeviantART and see fan art (not all rated pg, some are highly disgusting and beastiality comes to mind) there is a huge problem with the internet and your fanness. I don't want to see ponies kissing or entertwined in eachothers hooves or talking about how hot another ponies butt is. 

This is a KID'S show, so don't make them scarred for life when they google image search a new wallpaper or something and get ponies performing acts that should be in a porn movie. Sometimes it's a joke (or at least I think so) but it seems to be honestly what you want them to be doing most of the time. Don't make it, kid's will see it and then parents will think it's part of the show and not let them watch it or send mean letters/messages/emails/etc at the producers of the show. 

If you want to make fictional characters in those positions and doing those things put it on a special site just for that and make it out of human chacters. Keep it classy as well, if you want to make something sexual with ponies there is no class there, at least with human shapes you have a little class you can make. I don't like how many regular fan art pictures there are for My Little Pony so I don't want to make it worse with sex ones. Be smart, not creepy.


The Rest of the World.


Sorry for not uploading last week, I didn't even notice it was past Thursday until late late Saturday night and decided to upload two next Thursday instead of uploading one then. So you miss one, but hey now you get two in one day :D

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