Treadmill - New Year's Resolution

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  • Dedicated to Anyone Who Never Thought They'd Succeed

Dear Treadmill,

You have been a great coat rack these past three years since I got you that one Christmas eons ago. This year is yet again a resolution to work out, eat right, and get healthy. Though each year before has been a horrible failure I will not back down as easily after many comments from strangers asking how far along I was (not pregnant people.) and getting winded walking to the bathroom.

Dusting off your buttons and lowering the bottom, I prepared myself for a vigorous five minute work out. Fill up my water bottle and place it in the cup holder, work out clothes from two Christmas's ago put on and stretched out, Ipod attached to my arm, music already going in my ears. I step on and press the power button, then start you on a basic slow speed.

This isn't all that hard, I mean, it burns my legs a bit and I can hardly breathe, sweat is dripping off my body in buckets and I soon can't hear the music over my heartbeat but I am actually doing it. I actually went onto the treadmill after only making empty promises, finishing a 10 minute walk when my goal was to do 5. You can look forward to seeing me again tomorrow Mr. Treadmill, and I will defeat you and my stomach fat this year.

Of course I will probably make excuses on why not to go for a walk on the treadmill in just a few weeks or even days from now, but what matters today is that I did it. I made the first step in a long journey to being a healthier, better me. I just have to keep walking in the same direction and not stray from this path, easier said than done, but I will try my best.


Determined Resolution Maker (and breaker)

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