Wannabe Rockstars

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  • Dedicated to Jason McCutcheon

Dear Wannabe Rockstars,

I'm going to start this off by saying something that might hurt, you probably won't be a rockstar. The chances of you actually becoming famous, doing tours, sleeping with tons of women, all that jazz and a pile of drugs is a slim chance close to zero. If you still want to be one, good for you, just don't forget about other things that are important too like getting a job, having money, paying your bills, having friends, etc. 

Most people who become famous musicians are people who have connections or are randomly found and don't last long. Not many people make it in the music industry and even less can stay there for longer than two or three years, so just do us all a favor and stop playing your guitar at thee in the morning and bragging about how you will be famous some day. If you are in a band the chances of you guys sticking together through the beginning stages is also not so good, so don't choose friends you like unless you want to ruin the friendship with fighting.

Get another job, in the music area if you can, or if not then anywhere you can find one. Bills need to be paid and with more money you can get better equipment to use in your musical endeavours. If you live near a recording studio or even a music store, apply there even if it is a job with nothing to do with writing or performing music. You can get a taste of it and will have music related work on your resume in case you want to become a songwriter or producer. 

Don't lose sight of reality is the last advice I can give you and might be the most important one. You may get a ton of gigs and sell out small ones, but don't go out and think it means you are getting anywhere. Becoming too cocky will hurt you in most situations and delicate ones like this can hurt you even more. If you are in a band with friends, don't forget they are your friends first and band members second, listen to their opinions and try to make them happy. If it isn't working with your friends or you don't want to be in a band anymore don't make a scene, just explain it isn't what you think is best and move on. Remember it won't always work out the way you want it to, but it will work out somehow.


Almost Famous Guy

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