My Future Soulmate

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Dear Future Soul Mate,

According to those who have found theirs, you must be something worthwhile and amazing. I am writing to let you know you don't have to be the perfect partner or even close to it. All that I ask for is that you love and respect me as the person I am, nothing more or less than that.

When I'm sick you don't have to stay home from work to baby me and make me chicken soup like my mother would. Just tell me you love me and maybe pour me my medicine. When I tell you that I love you I mean it so make sure you do too. When I make breakfast in bed it's because I love you, not because I want something from you.

Don't tell me what to do or what not to do either. I am an equal to you and will be treated as such even if you think I'm doing the wrong thing. Don't assume I'm going to remember every little detail you tell me or every anniversary we have. I will love our relationship and cherish you but I am only human and life sometimes gets in the way of remembering things.

Above all make sure you be yourself. I will love you for you, after all we are soul mates. Just because I'm in love with some celebrity it doesn't mean you should try to look like them or act like them. Also don't be hurt that I like them, it's you I get to love and the one I actually want to be with. Be yourself and I will be myself, together we shall outlast any problem and love each other until our dying breaths.


Your Future Soul Mate

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