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  • Dedicated to Jack Frost

Dear Snow,

I love how beautiful you are, the way the light shines on you and makes you sparkle is just amazing. You are so crisp and white, against the dark trees you seem to glow and give the illusion of warmth and peace.  The way the light catches you even when you are in the air is just marvelous.

Those snowflakes caught on my mitten or glove that are so perfect looking just make my heart sing. It brings me back to when I was a child and I played in the piles you left for hours until my cheeks were deep red and my nose was running. I don't like everything about you though.

For instance, you make the roads slippery and cause many accidents throughout the season. I wish you would fall everywhere except on roads, driveways, parking lots, etc. Bad roads used to mean snow days and no school, but now it's leaving home half an hour early so I can drive slowly but still make it to work on time.

You also are a pain and a half to shovel out of my driveway. How can little beautiful pieces of precipitation be so heavy that I am sore in all my muscles after shoveling my driveway? I don't know how you manage to do it but I wish it was always that fluff that isn't good for snowballs but drifts away easily (Mostly by the wind) leaving none to shovel, or at least no need to.

So you have some improving to do for next year snow. Make sure you work on those issues while still keeping your beauty and I will be a happy camper. Also, can you not be so cold? You can be cold, but not freeze my fingers and toes cold even with boots and gloves. Much appreciated from one of your biggest fans, see you soon!

With Much Love,

Snow Lover

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