TRG Chapter 2: It's just a kiss right?

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OMG! Will they kiss??? Find out!

Featured Character: Vincent

Isn't he just dreamy? Freddie Stroma! UGH!

Song of the Chapter: Kiss me by New Found Glory

I like this version better, it somehow removed the cheesiness (some of it) of the song.


Allister's POV

"Alli!!!" A loud shrill filled the rooms of my apartment. "OMG! You are such a lifesaver!"

"OMG! You are so loud!" I mocked as I walked to meet my favorite person, other than Vincent of course, Vanessa.

She ran to me and engulfed me in her arms. I lifted her up and spun on the balls of my feet.

"God knows how happy Vinny has been. All thanks to you!" She said in glee as she pinched my cheeks. I let her down on the floor.

"Oh you know me..." I arrogantly huffed out air.

"Oh yes, I do know you, Allister." She eyed me knowingly.

"And why do I sense something in the way you're looking at me" Baffled, I furrowed my brows.

"Oh, I don't know..." She walked around me and looked at me from head to foot as if she was looking for answers. Her index was drumming on her chin.

The air suddenly became tensed.

I cleared my throat. I know that look. She knows something and it's scaring me.

"Alright Van, spit it out. I know you have something to tell me." I commanded.

"You like Vinny, don't you?" She leaned close to my face with a cocky grin plastered on her face.

I choked as a lump formed on my throat. I'm sure that my face showed expressions of shock, I was too caught up in the moment that I didn't know what I did.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed, pointing a finger at me.

"N-" I was about to defend myself but a surprisingly jolly Vincent flung the door open.

"Honey, I'm home!" He sang as he let himself in.

Van smirked and I forced a smile as we faced Vincent.

"Hey Vinny!" Van greeted as she bumped her cheek to Vincent's.

"Hey Van, I see you met my new boyfriend." He said playfully as he jerked his elbow, lightly hitting my arm.

I chuckled nervously.

"Oh yes, we were just talking about you." Van chimed.

He eyed us curiously. "Really?"

"Yeah," I stepped closer to Vanessa and placed my arm over her shoulder. "She was about to tell me about the plan you guys had for tomorrow." I bumped my hip on her hip. "Ain't that right, Van?"

She shot a brow at me. "Yeah." She hesitantly said.

"Am I missing something?" Vincent innocently asked.

"You tell me." I said.

"Tell you what?"

"I don't know. What are we talking about?" I confused him.

"It has something to do with Amanda, right?"

"Exactly." I said, as I successfully changed the topic.

Vanessa shook her head.

It was easy to avoid a sticky situation with Vincent. He gets distracted and gets fooled easily. I always escape awkward situations like this with him. He may be a smart kid, but he's easily distracted. Unlike with her sister, Vanessa is impossible to escape.

As soon as I barely escaped that very awkward situation, we sat down as we talked about the plan for tomorrow. Vanessa was in charge of how things will flow. She kept on looking at me, grinning evilly as soon as Vincent swung an arm around me. And he looks at me very so often, grinning but with a lesser evil intent in them.

"So, there's one final thing you guys have to do to make this believable." She suggested, still keeping that grin on her face.

"And what is that?" I asked, scared of what she has on her twisted mind.

Vanessa may look and act sweet but her personality is nowhere near from what she looks like. She's a sweetie when she's hanging out with people she likes, but as soon as she gets ticked off, she turns into a wicked and plotting witch. She'll destroy you, torment you, and eat you alive, without leaving you any trace of happiness. But she's not always like that. She's just very, I mean very, protective of the people she cares about, specially her brother, Vincent.

"You guys will have to kiss." She announced nonchalantly.

"We should what?" Vincent asked, shocked.

I gaped at what she said. My heart thumped and I swear I could hear it beating.

"She'll demand for it, trust me. It's one thing to prove that you two are really in love with each other." She crossed her arms and shrugged our shocked expression.

"I want to make her believe that it's true, but I'm not that desperate." Vincent complained. "No offense Alli."

"None taken." It stung. "Is there any other way that we could prove that we 'love' each other?" I asked and gestured air quotations, pretending that I didn't like the idea.

She smirked at me. "It's fine if you guys won't do it. She can just marry you, Vinny." She said as she turned to face Vincent.

"C'mon Van, there's got to be something else." Vincent begged.

Still having that evil smirk on her face, she sighed. "I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do to prove it."

Vincent and I sat silently. Vincent bowed his head while mine rested on my clenched fist, leaning on the couch's arm.

I want to kiss Vincent but I don't want to risk my friendship with him. God knows how much I wanted to smother his face with love.

Vanessa winked at me as soon as my eyes landed on her plotting face.

I returned a "what the fuck?" look just before Vincent spoke.

"Alli..." He called seemingly in deep thought.

I turned to face him. His head is still down and his hands were clasping onto the strands of his short, blonde hair.

"Would you... I... uhmm... do... uhh..." He mumbled.

Vanessa groaned. "Could you please iron out your tongue before speaking?"

He shot her a glare before sighing.

I, who was sitting, silent and anxious, gave them both a questioning look.

"Alli do you want to kiss me?" He blurted as he scrunched up his face in, what I guess, regret.

"Huh?" I asked even though I clearly heard him. I was shocked... Never in a million years did I ever dream of being asked that by Vincent. My heart started pounding.

"Do I have to repeat it?" He complained, feeling embarrassed and pigments of red formed on his cheeks.

"Shish, Alli" Vanessa shook her head with that grin on her face. "He's asking you if you want to kiss him."

Vincent face went red even more. "You could back out of the plan and we'll think of something else. I don't want to be selfish." He shyly said.

I beamed at him. "You want to kiss me, do you?" I teased.

"God, no!" He barked. "I just agreed with Van." He said a lot calmer.

I felt a familiar sting but I still managed to smile. "Alright I'll do it. This is only because you're my best friend and I don't want you to suffer a lifetime of torture." I agreed.

Vanessa's grin widened. "Then it's settled we're good to go on Friday."

"You seem to be pretty happy about this?" I cocked a brow.

"Duh!" She rolled her eyes. "I don't want that girl for Vinny. I'm waiting for that someone..." She gave me a playful smile before continuing. "...who cares and love Vinny no matter what."

Oh she knows something!

Vincent, suspecting not a single thing, smiled at her. "This is why I love you so much!"

"Oh you're too much! But I think it's Alli you should love, since it was his idea after all." She sang full of evil intentions.

Electricity suddenly shot through my veins as soon as Vincent wrapped his arms around me. My body stiffened at the sudden contact, but I slowly melted in his arms. "Thank you so much." He whispered.

His warm breath tickled my neck making me giggle like a 10-yr old girl at a One Direction Concert.

And boom goes Vanessa's laughter. I quickly pushed Vincent away as my face decided to be a tomato. Vincent smiled.

"Okay... that was embarrassing..." I looked away their direction.

"No! Actually, it's funny!" She snorted as she continued laughing.

"Van, stop it." Vincent ordered sternly.

She nodded but still has a smirk glued to her face.

"Vinny, would you be a dear and get me a glass of water? I'm parched." She asked, pouting and used her signature puppy dog eyes. This is what's amazing about Van. One minute she's the devil's spawn, the n the next minute she's an adorable little smurf, minus the blue skin.

"Sure, how 'bout you Alii?" He stood up and smiled at me.

"I'm fine, thanks though." I took a second to glance at his face before looking away again. I still feel ashamed because of that stupid giggle I couldn't contain.

He turned around and walked to the kitchen, leaving me alone with the two-faced she-devil that I love. As soon as I felt him far enough not to hear Van and I, I whisper-yelled at the said lady. "Would you stop scheming?"

She leaned forward, we're now face to face. "I would, if you admit that you like my brother, and I want every gay detail about it." She raised a brow.

I deeply inhaled as I collected my thoughts. Before speaking, I breathed out. "What the hell are you talking about? Are you suggesting that I have the hots for my bestfriend, your brother?" I snapped, keeping my voice loud enough for Vanessa to hear.

She rolled her eyes. "Deny all you want Allister, but we both know that you love Vinny more than just a bestfriend." She stared into my eyes, piercing into my soul and sending shivers down my spine. "It's so obvious!"

"See..." She smirked, leaning back on her seat as Vincent came back to the room carrying a tray with three glasses of water.

Good thing he brought me a glass of water, 'cause I could really use a drink.

"Did I miss anything?" He asked as he placed the tray on the center table.

"None at all..." Vanessa sang, still looking at me as if she wanted me for his brother rather than giving me a look of disgust.

She's really confusing me right now... First she's happy that I was pretending to be his brother's quote unquote boyfriend. Second, she happily suggested that we kiss. And lastly, she kept insisting that I love his brother, which I do. Why is she acting the way she is? Is she on drugs? Or does she like some boy on boy action? Or she has a sick and twisted plan prepared for me? Or maybe she just wants me for he's brother? It's not bad to dream, right? Besides nobody can hear me. Why am I talking to myself anyway?

Vincent nodded and flopped himself on the couch. "Why am I so lucky to have you guys in my life?" He rested his head back, keeping his eyes closed.

Uggh! He looks so cute. This really makes me want to launch myself on top of him, cup his face, and plant my lips on his soft, pink lips.

Vanessa coughed. "Earth to Alli." I jumped at my seat and snapped out.

"Daydreaming, I see..." Vincent commented. "Who's the girl, huh? I'm pretty sure you've chosen at least one of those hot girls who kept ordering your goods." Vincent's brows danced as his eyes said 'if you know what I mean'.

"Pssh!" Van snorted. "He's not in love, as you say, with those nearly diabetic Barbie dolls. In fact, he loves..."

" job. I love my job, I currently have no time to look for love." I cut her off before she could've said anything stupid. And by that I mean, spill the beans. I shot her a death glare.

What is up her ass today? She's been trying to expose me to his brother. Doesn't she know that she's intervening with the balance of things, which will lead to the disruption of both time and space, not to mention my friendship with Vincent? I'm so tempted to slap some sense into her.

She rolled her eyes, leaving her brother to wonder why we shared those looks.

"Are you guys fighting?" He asked, oblivious to the facts.

"Pish-posh! Alli and I are just having our mental conversations." She retorted. "And Alli here told me that he never kissed anyone before, except for his family of course."

Was she really on my mind? 'cause fuck me if she is! How did she know that? Yeah... I'm a Virgin. Big whoop! I'm not really that into those kinds of things since I have to work 3 jobs while I was in school and now I have my own business. So, sex is not on my to-do list nor it is on my bucket list. But really if Vincent would offer me to have sex with him, and by all means he's on top of both my lists and on top of me. Then again, it will never happen.

"You've never been kissed before?" Vincent asked in amazement. "I assumed in the ten years I've known you that you had at least slept with a girl." His eyes flickered with interest.

I nodded shyly. "Yeah, I'm pure, sue me!" I growled.

His eyes widened. "You mean that I'm gonna be your first kiss?"

Blood rushed to my cheeks, turning up the heat in my body. Oh yes! Yes he's gonna be my first kiss!

"OMG! I was right! I was just teasing you, but I was right!" She cheered as she giggled.

"Dude! We must find you a girl ASAP!" Vincent bolted up, grabbed my arm, and pulled me up.

"WAIT!" I boomed. As much as I wanted to scream for joy and dance for excitement, the feeling turned into irritation. Vincent stopped at his tracks, still his fingers is wrapped around my arm. "Can you the both of you calm down? Please!"

"It's fine that you'll be my first kiss. It would be a very awkward story to tell but I don't care. All that matters to me is that one kiss that will be my last."

"And in which Nicholas Sparks novel did you get that line from?" Vanessa quipped, gaining her a vicious eye roll courtesy of me.

"Are you sure?" Vincent concernedly asked.

"Dude, the kiss we'll have won't matter to me." I lied. This kiss we'll have will surely open the skies and release the unicorns as rainbows will burst from every part of the house.

Van returned the eye roll.

"Okay." Vincent sat back down. "Do you really think we can pull this off?"

"Of course you guys can. Just imagine you're kissing a girl or better yet... practice." She suggested as her eyes glimmered with glee.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." Vincent rubbed his chin. "Are you game, Alli?"

What should I say? Should I agree? A part of me wants me to and another doesn't want me to. Answer now Allister. He's looking at you. OMG! What to do? What to do?

"Alli!" Vanessa hollered and snapped my fingers at my face.

"Huh? What? Sure! Whatever!" I blabbed as I jolted up my seat. Then I realized what I just said. I quickly covered my mouth.

"Oh my golly gosh!" Vanessa exclaimed as she wildly giggled while shaking insanely on her seat.

My eyes fell on Vincent's direction.

Vincent's face was unreadable. His eyes are gleaming with joy and his lips were curved into a line that tells me otherwise.

"Then we should start practicing." Vincent stated. Vanessa wasn't expecting what he said, so did I. We were both stunned. Van stared at him, shock overtook all of what she felt.

"You're really serious with this?" Vanessa suddenly became serious.

"I'm willing to do anything rather than be that wretched woman's husband." He barked.

And by that I can conclude that Amanda is a spoiled, teenage brat.

"You heard him, Alli." Van said as she stood up. "He's all yours." She leaned towards me and whispered those words to my ear.

"I'd be going now, you two play nice! Bye!" She smirked at us before heading out.


I dug up my own grave and just pushed myself in it. Why do I like to torture myself?

Vincent stood up and sat beside me. "Alli..." He called me softly.

"Yup?" I answered before facing him and I didn't expect what I saw. His face was close to mine. I scooted back from him. "What... are you doing?" I stammered.

"Oh shit! I knew this was a bad idea." His head met his palm and lets his face sink in it. "I can't kiss a guy. It's wrong. I thought I could but I..."

"I understand... you know what...let's just wait for it to happen naturally at the date on Friday. I'm sure we can pull it off." I comforted him as I placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and grabbed my collar, pulling me closer to him..

His eyes were tightly shut. "Kiss me Jennifer Lawrence!"

"Say what?" I can't believe he thinks Jennifer Lawrence is much hotter than I am! I mentally snapped my fingers in all four corners. Oh no he di'in't!

"Just do it." Pressing his eyelids tighter.

I huffed before leaning and waiting for our lips to meet.

This is it!

The kiss I've been waiting 25 years is finally going to happen.

No more fantasizing how it feels, no more daydreaming, and no more kissing my phone whenever he texts me and the pictures I have of him.

Slowly our lips touched and bless his parents for making his lips so soft! The kiss was better than I hoped for. Trust me, I have a high expectation about this kiss. It was warm, soft, and heavenly. It sent shivers all over my body. It didn't release the unicorns as I want it to, but I sure felt the sky opened and everything that is good fell on me.

And as we part, Vincent has a smile on his face.

"You liked it?" I asked in disbelief, furrowing my brows.

"It was different but it was good. I guess." He chuckled nervously, unsure of what he felt. "Don't get me wrong but I expected it to be disgusting, but it's not."

"Jennifer Lawrence might have helped." I chortled, scratching the back of my head.

"I guess so..." He bit his lips playfully.

Was he really thinking about her?

"And I guess we're ready for war." I beamed at him.

"Thanks Alli." He smiled back at me.

"You owe me big time! I was saving my lips for someone special." I smirked.

"Hey I'm special!" He argued.

Oh, if only you knew how special you are to me.

"A special case, I'd give you that!" I laughed.

"Ha-ha!" He mocked before hugging me. "I know that this is all too gay for you, but I'm really happy that I have a friend like you, you know? A friend that will join you in the weirdest shenanigans and help you get out of the worst place imaginable. Thank you." He said and then released me.

I guess this means a lot to him... more than what this meant to me. It's a win-win situation. Hooray!

"Well, what do you want to do now?" He asked as he rested his back on the sofa.

"First I'll take a bath, and then I'll brush my teeth and gargle a liter of acid." I chimed.

He scoffed, shaking his head and turned the TV on. I stood up and went to the kitchen to whip up some snacks.

I'm really head over heels with this guy. I don't care if we're just doing this to break the deal with Amanda. Even for a brief moment, my dreams have and are coming true so don't go raining on my parade!


So starting this chapter I'd be setting up goals.

Comment: 5

Votes: 10

This is just a little thing I want you guys to do so I know I am doing a good job. :)

TTFN! :*

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