TRG Chapter 12: Stupidity and Fate

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People will hate Max (more) here! I can just feel it.

Featured Character: AllVin (shipname c/o inn_1234)

Song of the Chapter: Stay with me by Sam Smith



“Maybe this is for the best. Some time apart from each other. Some time to think about this. Some time to move on.”

Allister’s POV



That is how I feel right now.

That is how I should feel anyway.

It is really stupid don’t you agree?

Losing your best friend and boyfriend at the same time for someone you just met. Like Elsa said “You can’t marry a man you just met.”

I don’t even know if that made any sense. But yeah, that’s what you get for watching Frozen over and over again. You get all these quotes inside of your head.

Let it go.

Maybe I should let Vinny go.


That would be another stupid plan.

But it has been a week since we last talked to each other, and I need to make a move if he’s not going to.

I walked out my apartment unit and caught a cab. I was in my Pajamas and my hair is rather unruly today. Maybe I should take a bath anytime now.

After a few turns and stoplights and I’m here.

Salvatore Manor.

Another stupid move if you guys can see, but what am I to do.

I don’t care if I look like a homeless person.

I don’t care if I smell like one either.

I don’t care if his dad would stop me, but come hell or high water, I will fight for him.

I walked to the gate near the box thingy above the doorbell.

“Who’s there?” said a voice in the communication box.

I cleared my throat and said. “Allister Parker.”


“I need to talk to Vincent Salvatore.” I said with my voice shaking.

“I’m sorry Master Vincent has a lunch meeting with Miss Amanda.”

He’s out with Amanda.

It felt like a bullet pierced through my heart and I fell on a bed of nails.

My body turned cold and numb as if my soul left my body.

“Is… is there any chance you would know where they might be?” I stuttered but then vomited the words right out.

“Yes but I’m not allowed to disclose the information to you.” The voice said.

“Oh okay. Thank you.”

I backed away and took one last look at the huge mansion.

“I’m sorry Vincent.”


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