TRG Chapter 10: Engage the Plan

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The question now is… Who’s plan?

Featured Character: Allister

Song of the Chapter: I knew you were trouble (cover) by Boyce Avenue

I chose the song specifically for the chorus. :))


Allister’s POV

“I’ll be that knight in shining armor you’re dreaming of.”

There I was sitting in one of the cloth covered round tables, staring at the gigantic flower centrepiece while my prince charming was busy being introduced to everyone in the Engagement Party.

Tonight is the night we execute Phase 1of our plan...

“So here’s the plan.” Vinny stated firmly. “I’ll pretend to be interested about the wedding, telling them all that you and I were just an act to try and defy my father’s order.”

I gaped at what he said.

“Don’t worry! I’ll still live with you.” He cupped my chin and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled as he parted our lips. “So they’ll think that we’re just best friends helping each other out.”

“Alright. So this engagement thing, won’t you be bound to her most of the time? And isn’t it illegal to leave her on the wedding day?” I concernedly asked. I heard from one friend that you’ll have to pay for the morale damages and stuff. I don’t want that happening to Vince.

“Don’t worry about a sweat. I’ll risk everything just to have my life with you.” He leaned closer to my face and whispered those words ever so sweetly.

“Then let’s do this.” I eagerly said, but my worry lingered in between the lines.

So that’s the plan. Ride along this wedding charade.

But it wasn’t as easy as it sounds. Sitting here alone in the sea of the rich and the famous isn’t as exciting as it sounds. Most of these people talks so seriously! I mean c’mon! You’re in a party, the least that you can do is talk about the stock market or who had her new boob job.

“Having a good time?” A familiar blond guy said as he sat down beside me.

“Splendid!” I cheered sarcastically as I swirled the wine in one of the wine glasses.

He chuckled lightly. “So I heard that you and Vince just played an act all along.”

I raised a brow at him.

He chuckled again before continuing. “That means you’re single.”

“Yeah… thanks for that Capt. Obvious.” I deadpanned.

“Aren’t you in a sour mood! C’mon, I’ll take you somewhere fun.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up my seat.

“Vince might come looking for me.” I said as he dragged me out of the gigantic tent just outside the Laurentis’ backyard.

Oh, if you’re wondering how big their land is, think of a theme park.

“So? Just text him. You’re dying in there.” He pointed out as we were out the tent.

“Fine!” I huffed, fishing my phone out my pocket before texting Vincent.

AlliBear: “Vin-vin, I’ll just go get some air.”

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