Chapter 1

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"Good morning my sweet girl! Rise and shine." I grunt. "Mom, just because you come in here and talk all sweet doesn't mean it helps me get up early on a Monday morning." "Well I thought it would." "Thanks for trying." I said while smiling softly. "Anytime. You have an hour till you have to leave for school. Better get ready. I made bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast!" I jumped out of bed and exclaimed. "Bacon? What am I waiting for?!" My mom laughed and left me to my routine. I turned on some music and then went through my closet trying to find something to wear. Well I like my cute and classy look but then again I like the sassy never trashy look. It was supposed to be a cool October day here in Flagstaff ,Arizona. So I went with a tee shirt under my favorite blue hoodie. I applied some cover up over my few bumps. I don't really wear makeup. I straightened my hair. Then brushed my teethe. It was now 7:30 I have 10 minutes till I have to leave. I ran downstairs and grabbed a bite to eat. "I have to work late today. I'll be home around 7:45 tonight. Will you be okay here alone? You can invite Jessica over if you want." "Okay. I'll most likely do that. I got to leave though. Love you!" "Love you too!" I got in my car and drove to school. I had about a 15 minute drive there so I turned on some music. I arrived at the school and saw four people that I've never seen before walking to the building. That's weird. Must be some new kids. Despite the fact it's Monday, algebra 2 was my first class. I started walking into the building. I have to meet my best friend Jessica by her locker. Where was Shane I wondered. Shane is school bully. He always does something to me everyday just because I won't agree to do his homework for him. I walked to my locker got my books and then met up with Jessica. "Hey Bri. Having a nice day?" "Well I haven't been knocked to the ground yet so yes actually I am." I spoke to soon because here comes Shane and his morons. "Well well well. What do we have here?" Asked Shane. "You have two girls who are gonna be late for class. Now if you'll excuse us we'll be on our way." "Oh not so fast!" He said while shoving me against a locker. "Haven't you done enough to me?" He looked at his goons and then back at me then spoke to them, "Escort this other girl to class. I don't want her going to the principle." "Excuse me?" Sassed Jessica. "Did you not hear me?" Shane said. His face full of rage. "Oh you little-" she didn't finish before the others were holding her mouth shut and taking her to class. "Okay Davis. What shall it be today? Foot ,elbow ,or the hand." I didn't answer. I didn't even look at him. "Suit yourself." He raised his fist and started to come at me so I closed my eyes. He never hit me. "Hey! Keep your hands off her!" I heard some guy say. I opened my eyes and saw the new guy holding Shane's arm up and off me. "Oh ya. Or what?" Then he kicked me before the other guy could stop him. I fell to the ground. He definitely hit a bruise still healing from last week. "Oh that's it. Your gonna pay for this." "Oh ya? Just you? That'll be easy." Then through the tears I saw two other guys and a girl come up. "No, He has us." "Natalia, take this lady to class. Make sure she gets there safe." "Got it! Come on uhh.. what's your name?" "Briella." "Okay cool. Come on Briella lets go to class. Where's your first?" "Algebra 2. Why do you have to escort me? What are they gonna do to him?" She helped me up and helped me limp to class. "All you need to know is your safe now. We got your back." "We Don't even know each other." "Well I'm Natalia and the guy that saved you is Lucas. The other two are Devon and Jordan." "Well it's nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me." "No problem." We arrived at class and walked in right behind the teacher Mr.Bruno. Then he turned around and looked at us while I was trying to limp to my desk. "Ms. Davis, do you need to go to the nurse?" "It's just a double bruise. I should be fine this time." "Okay just let me know if you change your mind." "Will do!" A few minutes later Lucas ,Devon ,and Jordan walked in. "Ah class we have new members with us today. I believe your names are Lucas ,Devon ,Jordan ,and isn't there a girl Natalia?" "Over here sir!" "Oh okay. Well we welcome y'all to this school. Please take a seat." "Alright thanks."said Lucas. They all took a seat. Lucas was on my left ,Jordan was in front of me , Natalia was behind me and Devon was behind her. Oh great I got an army of people I don't know guarding me. Eh I have to admit it's kind of nice to only have one kick at me today. "Has anyone seen Shane Gilter?" Natalia poked me and gave me a note it read "tell him you saw him at the nurses office. Because that's where he is." "Mr. Bruno, Im pretty sure he went to the nurses office." "Oh okay thank you. Now class today we are going to review PEMDAS. It's a little low for yall's grade level ,but I find it helps to review things from the past." He went on with the lesson and we did a quiz then we went to our other classes. What are the odds all my classes are with the new people. Different seating arrangements of course ,but ya. It was finally the end of the day. Today me and Jessica are going to get hot dogs at our local hot dog shop. They are so good! I started walking to my locker when I was met by non other than the the new people themselves. "May I help you guys?" "How long has that guy been bullying you?"asked Lucas. "Um since last year." "Why?" Asked Jordan. "Because I refuse to do his homework for him. Oh and I think me turning him down in front of everyone has put a damper on it too." "He should get over himself." Stated Natalia. "Ya but he hasn't. I don't think he ever will." "Hey Bri! Oh and other people." "Hey Jess. This is Natalia ,Lucas ,Devon ,and Jordan. They saved my butt earlier. Thanks for that by the way." "Oh wow! That's good. No wonder you weren't a pulp in class today. No offence." "Ya non taken. Well guys we must be going it was nice to meet y'all." "Wait, where are y'all going? Are you sure your safe?" Asked Lucas. "Honestly I'm never safe. And we are going to get some food at a hot dog shop in town." I told them. "Y'all should come with us!" Offered Jessica smiling at me then looking back at them. "Sure! That would be cool." Said Natalia. "Ya!"the guys agreed. "Okay well y'all just follow us there." I said. We all walked out of the school and to our cars. Jessica took the bus to school today so she just hitched a ride with me. We put the top down on my car since it was hot today then we played some music. The others were in a jeep and had the doors off. Our favorite song "Dead Man ,Carry Me" came on so we turned up the music and started singing very loudly and kind of dancing which was just waving our hands around and bopping our heads. At the stop light I could see the others looking at us like we were psycho ,but we didn't care we just kept singing. I looked behind me for a second and saw Lucas crack a half smile at me. Then I turned back around and started driving again. He is kind of cute. He has brown eyes ,and chestnut brown hair. He has a few freckles on his nose but they are very light. His style is nice too. An American Eagle tee shirt and a pair of jeans with converse shoes. We were just a few minutes away from the shop when I got a phone call. "Hello?" "Hello, Briella." It was a male voice. I looked in my review mirror so if it was one of the guy behind me they wouldn't quickly put the phone down but none of them were on the phone. "Who is this?" "Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is that your in danger. Someone is coming after you!" "Look if this is some prank it's not funny." I said as I pulled into the shop parking lot. "This isn't a prank. Someone is going to try to hurt you! Soon!" "How do I know it's not you?" I assume that the others are worried with the tone of my voice. Because they are looking at me in wonder of an explanation. "It's not me I over heard the person discussing the plans." "Ya okay. Well this isn't even funny. So Im gonna go." I hung up the phone. "Who was that?" Asked Lucas now hovering over my side of the car. Wow he's tall. "It was just some prank call." "What did he say?" Asked Natalia. Now all of them at my side of the car. "Guys I'm hungry can we discuss this over food?" "Sure." Said Lucas stepping back to let me out. "Thank you." I said as I got out. We all went inside and sat down. I explained to them what was said. "That's just weird." Said Jordan. "And he knew your name?" Asked Lucas. "Yes, he did. I don't know how he didn't sound familiar at all. But can we drop it. I really want to know why y'all saved me earlier." "Oh okay. Well at our old school we watched a lot of people get bullied but before we could do anything about it we found out we were moving so we decided to wait till we got to this school. We didn't know if there would be bullying going on here we hoped there wouldn't be any." Said Lucas. "But then all the sudden Lucas is gone and trying to save this girl from someone about to punch her lights out. So we have decided on something." Said Natalia. "We want to be your friends as well as your kind of like body guards but not at the same time. We just protect you from the bully. Which is obviously, Shane." Explained Devon. "No cost. Doing this makes us happy. Plus you seem really cool so having you as a friend too is a plus." Said Jordan. "So what do you say? Friends and protection?" Asked Lucas. They were all looking directly at me and half smirking. Me and Jessica were completely stunned and our mouths just hung open. Then my phone dinged. I came out of my stare and looked at it. It was from Shane and his group. "They might of saved you this time ,but I will have my revenge. Your so fat and ugly. How can they even stand to look at you long enough to know you need saving." Me and Jessica looked at eachother then back at them. "Sure. On one condition." "Name it." Lucas said pretty quickly even he knew it. "Y'all have to treat me like a normal friend always. And not like a puppy needed protection all the time. Okay? Oh and Jessica is included in the Friend thing." They looked at eachother and then back at me. "Deal." They said in unison which was actually weird and cool at the same time. Then we all started eating.

Hope y'all have enjoyed my first chapter. It was really fun to write! Make sure to vote please. 😊

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