chapter 10

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              ~two days later~
"You're glowing." Said a voice belonging to none other than Natalia. I closed my locker door to see her standing on the other side. "What? Am not!" I exclaimed. "Are too! What happened this weekend?" She asked with a smirk. "What? Nothing! We just went to the book store and Lucas bought me the new Romeo and Juliet book. Then yesterday we went out to eat after church. Oh and he took me out for ice cream. That's all. Just normal couple stuff." I assured her. "Okay." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. Lucas's POV
"So what did you do this weekend ,Lucas?" Asked Devon. "Well I bought Briella the book she's been wanting. We went to church on Sunday and then went out to eat afterwards. I also took her out for ice cream. Then we watched a movie. Oh and now I'm here." I replied. "That's cool." Devon remarked. "Nah man. He's lying." Stated Jordan. "No I'm not!" I said a little to fast. "What else happened?" Asked Jordan. "I huffed out a heavy breath and said ,"Guys even if I'm leaving out a detail ,it's not because I don't trust y'all. It's because sometimes couples just want to have some things between them." I inferred. "So you admit your hiding something?" Remarked Jordan. "I get it man. No need to tell us if you don't  want to." Assured Devon. "Thank you Devon. Jordan, get a grip man." I said. Then we all walked to the girls.
Briella's POV
"Oh look there's the guys!" I said. "Oh yes the ..guys." Natalia said nervously. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking." She said then looked to her books. "Wait a second I know that look. You like someone!" I yelled but in a whisper. "Oh shut up. Do not!" She said while blushing and smiling. "Do too! Come on we are best friends. Tell me." I pleaded. "Fine. *breath* it's de--adly poisonous if you eat or touch it." She said very nervously because the guys literally walked up as soon as she started to say the name. "What's de--adly poisonous?" Devon asked jokingly. "You." Natalia replied with a smile of sarcasm. "Ya but why would you eat me?" He asked with a weird look. "I um wouldn't. That's just gross." She said then looked at her book. Lucas looked at me with a -what is wrong with her- look. I shot back with a -stop it- look. "Um Natalia I was just picking you know that right?" Asked Devon in a comforting way. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Ya of course I do." She assured him with a smile. "Hey can you guys go ahead to the diner. I'm gonna take Natalia." He said. "Oh you are?" She asked nervously. "Ya. I wanna know why your so nervous." He responded while looking at her with soft eyes. She looked down. Then at me. I nodded and smiled. Trying to assure her she'd be fine. She nodded and took a breath then Devon and her walked to his car as we walked to ours.
Natalie's POV
Im so scared! I've never been through this before. I've never liked a guy before. And he probably doesn't feel the same. I'm gonna cry. I already am on the verge of tears because of fear. My stomach is twisting. He must of noticed because he stopped walking and turned towards me and looked me right in the eye.
"Natalia, relax its just me. Why are you so nervous all of the sudden?" He asked with caring eyes and a soft tone of voice. I looked down at the ground then back up to him. "Devon ,I wish it was that easy to tell you ,but I'm too scared." I said my voice kind of shaking. "Hey' he put both hands on my shoulders 'we've been friends for how long? You can tell me anything." He assured me. "I don't exactly know how. I don't know how you'll react." I said. "Is someone bullying you? Is everything okay at home?" He asked very concerned. "Oh no nothing like that!" I exclaimed. "Okay. Do you want to tell me?" He asked. "Yes. I do. It's just hard." "Would it be easier with the group around?" He asked trying to joke in a way. "Oh gosh no!" I said with a cackle. "Okay. What can I do to make it easier?" He asked. "Feel the same way." I mumbled under my breath. "What was that?" He asked. I took a deep breath in and let it out. "Okay here it goes. I really like you Devon. The reason I'm scared is because you're the first guy I've ever liked and I'm scared you don't feel the same way." I said while looking at the ground then looked back at him. He was smiling and looking at me with bright eyes. He took my hands and put his fingers through mine. He looked me right in the eyes. "Natalia, I like you too. I've liked you for quite sometime now. And I never ever want you to be afraid to tell me anything." He said in comforting tone. I started to tear up when he pulled me in for a hug. "I don't know what to say." "Well ,you could say yes." He said with his deep voice. "To what?" I asked out of curiosity. "Being my girlfriend." I giggled and looked up at him. He's about six inches taller than me. It's quite intimidating at times. "You never asked." I said while blushing. "Oh *laugh* Natalia ,will you be my girlfriend?" He asked while smiling. "Yes!" I exclaimed. He gave me another hug then he kissed my forehead. "They are probably waiting for us." He mentioned. "Oh right." I replied and laughed. We got in the car. "Off to join Bucas and Jordan at the diner." He said mater of factly. "I'm sorry, did you just shipname Lucas and Briella?" I asked while laughing. "Yes , I did. Do you like it?" He asked. "Yes ,I do actually. What's ours?" "We don't come up with that. That's our friends job. But I have thought about it. And I like Datalia and Nevon." "Oh I like those! Lets get them to choose which one for us." I suggested. "Deal." He said. We then drove off to the diner.

Thank you all so much for the support ,reads ,and votes. Also big thanks to @TanDreamWrite for picking the ship name for Lucas and Briella. (#Bucas) Yall should go follow her! She has two books right now! Leave the ship name y'all think is best for Devon and Natalia in the comments 😉 #Datalia or #Bevon.

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