Chapter 4

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"Okay so Matthew Taylor goes to our school. He's worse than Shane was. He's not afraid to through a punch in front of a teacher in fact all people in authority over him are scared to death of him. Oh and He's the captain of the wrestling team." I said. "Okay so why haven't we crossed paths with this guy?" Asked Lucas. "Well he got suspended from school a month ago.. Tomorrow." Jessica replied. "Why did you stutter?" Asked Devon. "Because he was only suspended a month. He has to come back the day that makes a month. Which is tomorrow." Jessica replied nervously. "Oh no." I said. "Don't worry Briella. I'm not gonna let it happen." Coaxed Lucas. I was sitting next to him while he said this. He looked deeply in my eyes. We were cut off by Jordan, "So why would this guy want to kill you? Did you refuse to do his homework to?" Devon punched him for saying that. "Dang man I was just kidding." Jordan exclaimed. "Actually no he bullied others but didn't care about me. He let Shane bully me." "So he just picked you randomly to murder? That's just weird." Said Natalia. Jessica looked at me and I motioned for her to stop. We both knew about something that happened between me and Matthew back in 8th grade. "Why are y'all making weird faces at eachother?" Asked Natalia. I quickly replied, "Oh uh nothing!" Lucas looked at me suspiciously. Then they all stared me down. I gave in. "Okay fine! Matthew and I dated in the 8th grade. I broke up with him  after two months because he started to bully people." "Well now we know why he wants to murder you. Now we just need the when ,where ,and how." Stated Devon matter of factly. "I have an idea of where." I told them. "What where?" Asked Jessica. "Where else then where I broke his heart. Under the old oak tree in farmer Johns field." I informed them. "Wow this guy has serious issues if he can't move on." Joked Jordan. He's always trying to lift our spirits. I let out a laugh. "She is pretty unforgettable." Lucas said meekly. I blushed and looked down. "Okay so you broke his heart is why. Under the oak tree is where. Now we need a how and when." Said Natalia. "Um Brie?" Mummbled Jessica. "Ya? What's wrong?" I asked. "When did you break up with him?" "In the 8th grade." "No, like what day was it in what month?" "Oh I think it was in March. Yup it was on Match 18th. Why?" "What better day to murder the one who broke his heart then on the day she did it." I gasped. "You're right!" I exclaimed. "Okay now we have when. So how?" "That I don't know?" I answered. Jessica's phone rang. "Oh sorry guys I have to take this." She said then she went outside.
Jessica's POV
"Is it done my love?"
"Yes. But why do you call me now. That was close."
"Shh no questions. I'll see you later. I love you baby."
"Okay. Love you too sweet thing."
Briella's POV
Jessica came back in and sat down. "Who was that?" I asked. "Oh just my mom. Making sure I had done my chores before school this morning." She assured us with a smile. "I don't buy it." Said Natalia. "Buy what?" Asked Jessica. "Your story." She said sternly. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Asked Jordan. "What? No. Why would you ask such a thing." She looked nervous. "Jessica what is going on?" I asked. "Nothing! I got to go! See you guys later." And with that she rushed out the door. "Wait isn't she riding with us?" Asked Devon. "Let's follow her." Suggested Natalia. We all agreed ,payed ,and then ran to the jeep. We saw her walking to the end of the road. We walked instead of drove because the jeep was too loud. We followed her to a cross road and then saw her get into a car with someone. We all gasped. "Briella?" Devon said. "Ya?" I answered softly almost hoarse. "Isn't that?" He didn't finish because I cut him off, "ya huh." I answered.

Sorry this chapter was so short ,but it had to be because of what's next. So who did she drive off with?

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