chapter 15

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"Briella! What the heck babe? You almost had her confessing." Lucas yelled trying to catch up with me while the others followed behind him.  "Lucas,  trust me okay. Its shane. That's who's been doing this! I mean think about it ,he's always hated my guts. Then one day you guys came around and saved me. He gets scared. He realizes that Matthew is coming back. Then he hears their prank. He then comes up with this really evil just wicked plan. He stages his own death, with the help of Matthew. That explains Matthews car being driven into me. They are in this together. I-" I was cut off by somone clapping in slow motion. "Good job ,Briella. Took you long enough." I turned around to see Shane standing there smirking. I just knew it was the matter of seconds before Lucas would go at him. Before I could turn around to stop him ,Lucas rushed passed me, jerked Shane up by his collar and threw him up against a car. "What is wrong with you! You are seriously messed up in your head if you even think this is funny. Now the first day I met her I vowed to not let anyone hurt her ,but now that I'm her boyfriend the consequences for hurting her is ten times worse. Because I love her! You I'm afraid will not be able to feel that way about someone for a while. Unless that person is of course in prison. Because that's where your going." I just sttod there stunned. Jessica came up beside me and looked at me with a face asking for forgiveness. I smiled and locked arms with her. We watched Lucas and Shane. "You're wrong ,Lucas. I'm not going anywhere. You aren't tough enough to take down both me and Matthew." "He's not. But all three of us are!" Yelled a voice from behind me. It was Devon. Jordan and Natalia followed right behind him. The guys got up beside Lucas and Natalia stood beside me and Jessica. We all kept watching the guys. I saw fear developing in Shane's eyes. Matthew had been hiding behind a car this whole time ,but finally came out with his hands up in surrenderance. Devon went and grabbed him and took him inside. "Fine. You and your gang win this time ,Lucas. But mark my words! I will be back and when I am you won't even see it coming. So go take your little girlfriend. She's nothing but a whore anyways." He laughed. I saw ,Lucas's whole body tense up then his fist clinched tightly. Before I knew it Lucas punched Shane's lights litteraly out. I walked up behind Lucas. "Well he's not waking up for a while." He turned around and laughed. Then he kissed me. "I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. Not even with words." I smiled and hugged him. Devon came out with officer Charles. "Well then. This is a turn of events. What he do to deserve this big goose egg ,Lucas?" Asked officer Charles while laughing. "Well sir I was gonna let him off easy by me and just let y'all take him. Then he called my wonderful, stunning girlfriend here a whore. Well then sir he needed a good punch to knock some sense into him." Charles laughed and cuffed Shane. Devon and Jordan picked him up and brought him in. "Well. Briella he's not gonna be bothering you for quite some time now where he's going. You kids get going." "Thank you sir!" I said. He nodded and went inside. I let out a deep breath. "Wow. That's finally over!" I exclaimed. Jessica was watching the building with tears in her eyes. I walked over to her and touched her shoulder. She jumped and wiped her cheek. "Oh hey." I hugged her. "Jessica. I know you love him. But sometimes people do bad things and they just have to learn their lesson. I'm here for you." "Thanks Briella. I just can't believe he was actually involved with an attempt and planned assanating of my best friend. I don't know if I'll ever get over that." Lucas walked up behind us with the rest of the gang. "Hey Jessica, we want to know if you'll be our friend. This time out of our wants and not Briella's wants. She smiled. "Even after all the things that I did do. Y'all want to be my friend?" They nodded. "I'd love that." She said. I smiled and said,"Okay guys. Remember I just got out of the hospital earlier today. I'm hungry. Can we go eat now?" They all laughed and agreed. We all got in our cars and drove to a nice steak house. What a day already. I got my best friend back. My life is finally getting back to normal.

Hey guys. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I decided against another cliff hanger for this chapter but I will say there will be only one or two more chapters of this book. Its been a lot of fun writing this book. #twt but y'all are in for a big surprise after his book is over. Have a nice day!

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