chapter 14

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As we approached the station my stomach turned and I got really nervous. At first I was ready and I wanted to be here ,but now with us actually being here I wanted to hide myself from the world. I mean my best friend tried to kill me. Do you know how much that hurts? Almost worse than my injuries. We got out of the car and Lucas looked at me funny. "What's wrong?" He asked. I looked down at my shirt then at him. "Lucas, I know I said I was ready. I wanted to come here ,but now I'm scared. I don't know if I can do this." He just smiled and held me in a hug. "Briella Morgan Davis, that's the name of my girlfriend. She's very strong minded. She carries herself with confidence. She gets scared at times ,but continues to carry on. Who is this new personality I'm seeing?" I took a deep breath. "You're seeing the weak side of me asking for guaranteed protection from the girl that tried to kill me." I had a tear going down my face. He looked at me and wiped away my tears. "Hey now, I'll always be here for you. And you have God here with you. There's nothing to be afraid of. Don't worry ,I'm right here." We smiled and he kissed me. We walked into the station. The lady at the front desk looked at us,"May I help you kids?" "Yes ma'am. We are here to talk to officer Charles Dullburge." Lucas said. "Okay. His office is straight back second door on the left." "Thank you." I said. She smiled. We walked into his office where he was shoving a donut in his face. He quickly wiped off his face and swallowed. "Hey there ,Lucus! Is this the lovely girlfriend?" I smiled. "Hey ,Charles. Yes. This is Briella." "Hey!" I said while smiling. "Hey there ,Briella. Good to see your up and at em." "Thanks. Feels good to be." "So what brings you two here today?" "Well sir, Briella would like to talk to Jessica. She said that she can make her confess. And I believe she can." He raised his eyebrows in a stunned facial expression. "Little honey, you really want to talk to the girl who almost killed you?" "Yes, I really do ,sir. I believe she'll either see me and say something that will be as a confession or I can say something that will make her confess." He took a deep breath. Then looked from me to Lucas then back to me. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He rubbed his face with his hands. Finally he spoke,"If you can get her to speak be my guest. She is a stubborn little brat." I smiled and asked,"Okay where is she?" "Follow me." We walked through the hallway and down some stairs. We took a right the went down a few more steps to a hallway with a bunch of rooms on each side. "She's in interrogation room 6. There's a guard in there as we speak and I will be watching with a recorder from the listening room. If things get out of hand the guard will contain her and y'all will need to run out of there." Charles said. "Thank you ,sir!" Said Lucas. He nodded then said, "Good luck." We walked down the hallway all the way to room 6. I stopped at the door. I took a deep breath then felt Lucas's hand on my shoulder. I opened the door. There she was sitting at the table drinking a cup of water glaring at me. And there's Matthew sitting next to her smiling at me. "Well if it isn't the queen herself." Chuckled Jessica. I ignored her and we took seats in front of them. The guard spoke up,"Young lady, do you want these two in cuffs? I've been informed of the situation." I looked at Lucas.  "Its up to you." He said. "Um I guess you might want to cuff Jessica not Matthew. He hasn't tried to hurt me." I glared at Jessica. She returned it with a snare. The guard finished cuffing her and slid me a paper. "These are some things you can ask, from officer Charles. It might help." I nodded and took a deep breath. Lucas put his arm around me. I smiled at him; then I started.  "Jessica, can you confirm your where abouts around 4:00pm February 26th?" "Yes. I was with Matthew and my parents at a historical museum." "And can your parents confirm this?" "They are out of town right now. In a positive vibes class. No phones aloud." She said. "Oh how convenient." Lucas added. "Seeing as how I was your best friend I know you hate all things historical. And I know you hate museums. I also know you hate me." I said staring her in the eyes. She smiled. "Oh Bri, was best friends? No, are you saying our friendships like over?" She tried her best to fake a sad face. I got even more mad. "Oh shut up ,Jessica. What's your deal? Why kill me? I was there for your first heartbreak. I was there for you when you had your first period and didn't want to tell your mom! I was even there for your first bra. I know you. I know your fears ,dreams ,and wishes. You know mine as well. When your dad left your mom I was there for you! Now you have a wonderful step-dad who loves you! And you never would've let him into your life personally ,if we wouldn't of had that chat the night before the wedding. What gives?" "Oh yes. Of course. You've been there for me. Its all about what you did. But how about what you didn't do? Huh? You weren't there for my first crush. You weren't there for my first boyfriend. You weren't there when I got abused by my uncle. Then recently after this random gang shows up you were hardly there at all! I have been here almost your whole life! They have been here since what October? Remember that day I messages you. It was back in November. I said I needed your support. I was auditioning for the school musical. You said you'd be there! *voice hoarsly whispering* but when I was called on stage you weren't there. Turns out Lucas wanted to hang out that day. You forgot about me and I froze on stage in front of a lot of people. *voice to normal* but yes let's just count the times that you were there. Nothing else matters huh? I admit I am very angry at you. But no. Briella I did not try to kill you. To me your still my best friend. Sisters at heart. I would never kill you. Now I might pull your hair and punch you in your arm but never kill you. I was meaning you deserved the prank that Matthew was gonna pull on you for April fools. It was epic. I'll gladly tell the police the prank but not you because let face it this one might beat yours for once. Briella , please believe me. I have no clue who is doing this. It was us pranking at first but then we stopped. Someone gave us a note and told us to let them take over or things would get violent. We listened. I'm so sorry I never told you!" I just looked into the distance with my mouth open. "Briella?" Asked Lucas with his hand on my shoulder. I looked at them all with tears in my eyes. "She's telling the truth ,Lucas. Let them go officer Charles. Meet me outside. I know exactly who is behind all of this." With that I ran out. He's went to far this time.

...... Ya enjoy?

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