chapter 11

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                 At the diner
Briella's POV
"Hey guys!" I said as Devon and Natalia walked in. "Hello." Devon replied. Then Natalia whispered something in his ear and he whispered something back. Then they both took their seats. "What's going on?" Asked Lucas. They both smiled and then Devon spoke up. "We need y'all to do something for us." They smiled. I glanced at Lucas "Okay what?" Natalia spoke this time,"Pick our ship name!" Devon pitched in with,"I like Datalia and Nevon. What about y'all?" I squealed ,"Aw you guys that's so awesome!" "Woop woop!" Yelled Lucas. "Yay." Said Jordan dully. We all looked at him. "What's wrong with you ,Jordan?" Asked devon. "Nothing." He said as he sipped his drink. "Spill it bordan." Snapped Natalia and she and Devon took their seats. Bordan is what she called him when he aggravates her or acts boring or stupid. "There's nothing wrong with me guys. Seriously." We all stared him down. Lucas piped up ,"Oh. I know what's wrong. We have girlfriends and you don't? Is that what this is all about. Because we are all in relationships and you're not?" "Lucas ,I gave up on love a long time ago y'all know that." "What why?" I asked. "Its nothing." "I can explain if you don't." Said Devon. "Fine. Briella, when I was 13 I had this amazing life. My parents loved each other. I had an amazing ,stunning girlfriend. Her name was Bethany.  I was even a straight A student. When I turned 14 things changed. My parents started fighting. My brother got hooked on drugs and alcohol at the age of sixteen. My whole world started to change. I still had my girlfriend though. Then around my 15th birthday my brother took his life. Do you know what its to be close to someone and then watch them slowly fade from life itself? Just in pain from so many drugs? Then one day coming home from school ,with a smile on your face and a skip in your step, just to find your parents on the couch crying violently with a piece of paper in their hand. It was a suicide note. They pulled my brother's coat from a lake a couple days later. They never found the body. I never got to say goodbye. I never got to play a game of baseball with him again. A couple weeks later my parents started fighting. Then the dads on the couch. Then came the 'oh its just a little break honey'. One week after my birthday they got divorced. Watching them loose love like that made me scared that I would loose beth. So much I ended up pushing her away. We broke up two weeks after the divorce. I thought she was the one. I loved her so much. After the break up I just gave up on love. Few months later I turned 16 found out we were moving here and then well here I am."
I had tears streaming down my face. "Oh my gosh Jordan. I had no idea. You've been through so much!" "Ya I have. But hey its life." "Whats her last name?" I asked. "Who Beth's? It's Mayben." "Bethany Mayben?" I asked loudly. "Yes?" Piped a voice from the booth behind me. We all slowly looked at the girl the voice came from. "Bethany?" Jordan asked calmly. "Jordan?" She asked back. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I just moved here a week ago." "Wow! Small world huh?" "Ya." She laughed. Jordan looked down then back up,"Well um it was good seeing you. I'm gonna go guys. Bye." Bethany watched him leave then turned back and had a questioned look on her face. "Sorry Bethany. He's still a little haunted by the past I guess you could say." "It's okay ,Lucas. I understand." She assured him with a really fake smile. Clearly she still has feelings for him. And well he clearly still has feelings for her. "Lucas?" I asked. "Yes?" "Can I try to fix this? But with your help?" "Sure babe. We can try. It definitely will be a challenge." With that we all walked out and after Jordan.

I am so sorry I haven't written for forever! School started and it has been hectic! But here y'all go. Boom haha. Hope y'all enjoy please vote!

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