Chapter 2

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A week later *ding dong* was the sound that woke me up this morning. I looked at my clock. It's 7:15! I'm gonna be late for school! I jumped up and ran downstairs and answered the door. It was oh just the guys and Natalia. "Oh my gosh. Dude did you just get up?" Asked Natalia. I now remembered I was in my night clothes ,and my hair was a complete wreck. I've never had nice morning hair. And well my voice sounded like a dyin walrus when I wake up.  "Yes, I overslept." "Oh well we came to pick you up. So I guess we can wait here." Said Jordan. "Oh. Okay. Well I mean y'all can come in I guess just sit in the living room." "Okay cool." Said Lucas. I ran back up stairs after they seated themselves and got ready. While I was getting ready I thought about them. Natalia was obviously a sister of one of them ;I keep forgetting to ask though. She's very pretty and wears a simple small necklace around her neck. Her hair is light brown and in a long bob cut. She has blue eyes. She wears usually a tee shirt with a saying on it or a striped one. Never one with girly items. At least that's what she told me. She also wears a plain pair of jeans. Me on the other hand. I try to stick to my dresses. I hate pants. Except pajamas. Jordan he wears short sleeved button ups and dark jeans with nice sneakers. His hair is blonde and he has green eyes. Devon is a ginger. Like not a bright red ginger more like a darker red ginger. His hair is super curly too so he keeps his hair short. He has a few freckles unlike most red heads. His eyes are brown. He wears regular tee shirts that barely are above the elbow and a pair of jeans with converse. Then there's Lucas. He's the really cute one. He wears tee shirts or button ups. With always dark jeans. His shoes are either converse or sneakers. I could get lost looking into his brown eyes. He did his hair three different ways: shaggy, spiked to the side,or in a hat. Today it was shaggy. I was finally ready. I dressed in a cute teal dress with a jean vest over it. With some cute sandals. And my hair was straightened and parted to the side. My hair is about to my waist but not quite there yet. I walked downstairs after grabbing my purse. "Whoa you get dressed up." Said Jordan. I laughed and said, "You think this is dressed up. Wow! This vest makes it more casual thank you." I smiled. Lucas really hasn't said a word nor looked at me. He was a little mysterious at times ,but then again I like it. Whoa did I just admit that. Ya okay so what I like that he's mysterious it's not like I like him. We all got into their jeep. They had the doors off again so I knew my hair was doomed. So I through it up in a bun. We started for the school. "So Are any of you related? I keep forgetting to ask." I said. "Well actually yes. I'm Lucas's twin sister. And well that's about all the relatedness we have here." Explained Natalia. "Oh that's so cool! I've always wondered what it's like to have a twin. Is it fun?" I asked. Natalia and Lucas looked at each other then back at me and smiled. "We are pretty good at reading each others minds." Stated Lucas. "Oh really? Show me." I said. Natalia started, "Lucas I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000. Go!" "754!" Lucas answered. "Correct!" "Okay y'all could have rehearsed that." "Oh really could we rehearse this?" Natalia said then looked at Lucas "1,2,3 pizza! 1,2,3 forks! 1,2,3 Carolina Panthers are losers! Whoa where did that come from. Wow!" They said in unison. Me, Jordan ,and Devon just sat there with our mouths hung open. They laughed and then Lucas looked at me and smiled and said, "Never seen that before have you?" I shook my head and let out a nervous laugh. We arrived at the school ,met up with Jessica ,and walked to our lockers. They were very close to each other. Then I saw it. There was a note stuck to my locker. I walked slowly to it. I had been receiving weird texts all week warning me of someone trying to get me. But I ignore them because seriously who would want to hurt me? I don't talk to anyone but my friends. It still sounds somewhat different to say friends. I read the note. "Hey there Briella. How are you? So I heard someone was trying to warn you about me trying to hurt you. Well I took care of him. His blood is at the bottom of this as proof. So you may ask who is this? Why does he want to hurt me of all people? Well dear you will find out soon enough. By the way I'm watching you read this. I'll see you soon dear. I screamed and dropped the note and all my things. I fell to the ground and looked around to see if someone was watching me. I saw no one but my friends running towards me. "What happened?" Asked Natalia. "Was it Shane?" Asked Jordan. "Do I need to hurt someone for you?" Asked Lucas. I couldn't speak I just pointed towards the note. Jessica picked it up and read it out loud to everyone. Lucas clenched his fist and looked around to see if anyone was watching us ,but before he could walk off to find Shane the "supposed suspect" morning announcements came on. "Attention students we have troubling news. One of our fellow students was stabbed to death late last night. Let's all have a moment of silence for Shane Gilter." We all gasped and looked at each other.  "Thank you that is all for today." "Guys you don't think Shane was the one trying to warn me? Do you?" "Why would he? He hated you!" Said Jessica. "I know but still. Something tells me this isn't a prank." We all just looked at each other with fear and worry.

Whoa man. Did that just happen? Yes yes it did! Hope y'all enjoy! Sorry it took so long to write. Bye for now✌️

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