Chapter 3

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*ring ding* my phone is what woke me up this morning. It was just yesterday I found that note. I went home early because I was feeling very sick after reading it. I picked up my phone and read the time it was 10:30. Oh I slept in quite a bit. I read the text next. It said, "You look so peaceful when you sleep. Now you may be wondering when I'm going to be doing this to you. Well I haven't decided on a specific day yet. Trust me I'll let you know when I do. But I know it's no time soon at all. So go live your life. While you still have it." He's watching me? I don't remember much after that I remember calling Jessica and telling her to come over grab gang immediately. Then everything went black. I woke up to the sound of voices. I opened my eyes and there stood all my friends. Lucas spoke to me first, "Briella, are you okay?" "I think so. What happened?" "Well you called me then it sounded like you dropped your phone. I thought maybe the guy got you. So instead of calling the police because seriously I think the guys could handle him I just called them. We all rushed over here and you were laying here we thought asleep but evidently not."explained Jessica. "Oh wow." Natalia read my most recent message from a weird number. She read it out loud to everyone. Lucas started raising his voice when he spoke, "Okay that's it! Briella get dressed." "Why where are we going? And how did y'all get out of school?" "I know someone who can track this number for us. And don't worry about school." They all walked to the door. And closed it behind them. Okay wow. I got up ,got dressed ,brushed my teeth ,and washed my face. I grabbed my purse then came rushing down the stairs. "Ready!" They were are gathered at the door not even looking at me. I walked over to them "guys everything okay?" They moved so I could see and Lucas got behind me. There on the door was the words "I'm watching you" written in blood from the inside of the house. My mouth dropped and I screamed. "Was this year when y'all came in?" "No! I should know because I shut the door behind us!" Shouted Jessica. "He's in my house!" I turned around and Lucas was already going around with nothing for a weapon searching the house. After about two minutes of me hyperventilating and shivering from fear ,we heard him come back. "We all need to go now. I found a window opened in the laundry room. I think he's still in here." Whispered Lucas. I had tears going down my face. I'm so scared. We all got in the jeep. Kind of squished ,and Lucas sped off to our destination. "Lucas slow down some. We'd like to get there without being pulled over." I said. "Oh right. My bad." He replied. After about 10 minutes we arrived at this weird looking building kind of old but not at the same time. "Should I be scared?" I asked them. Devon laughed then said, "There's nothing to be scared of. This guy looks mean and ruff but seriously he's not." "Okay." I said. We all walked into the rugged building. "Yo Danny?" Shouted Lucas. "Yo Lucas. Over here man." We all walked over to him. "What can I do for you guys?" "Briella, can I see your phone." I nodded and handed it to him. He pulled up the number. "We need you to track this number for us." "Alright that's easy." We waited maybe a minute then he had the results. "Alright. I have a total of 4 locations he has been at within the last hour. Alright he was at some diner in upper flagstaff. And then he stopped at a gas station. Then he was at this address 320 Brooke lane. "That's my address! So he was for sure there!" "Alright alright where is he now?" Asked Lucas. "That's the fourth location. Looks like he's.. Here." He turned around and looked at us. Then there was a thump somewhere in the building ;me and Jessica looked at eachother nodded then ran out of the building screaming.
Lucas's POV
The girls just ran out of the building screaming. Are they crazy! He can grab them! I started running after them. I saw them in the jeep with jackets on there heads. I ran up to them. "What the heck were y'all thinking? Oh he's in here. Oh there's a loud thump let's run out of the building away from the people that can protect us and cover our heads with jackets because if we can't see him he can't see us." I said in a sarcastic serious way. But then I saw Briella shaking. I put my hand on her back and then pulled the jacket off her head. She looked at me with her beautiful teary eyes. Wow she's so beautiful. I took her hand and she climbed out of the jeep. I pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just don't want to see you get hurt." "I know. It's okay. He was in there. Maybe he still is. He wants to kill me. I don't know why. He's stalking me. I'm scared." She said still shaking and crying. I just held her in our hug. "I'll promise you this Briella." I looked her in the eyes then said. "I'm not gonna let this guy lay a single finger on you. And if he does he'll be missing every finger that touches you even if it's just a hair on your head." She smiled and said, "Thank you." The others started walking towards us now.
Briella's POV
I wiped my eyes as Lucas was still side ways hugging me and rubbing my back in a calming motion. Natalia handed me my phone. Then Jordan spoke up, "We saw a figure exit the back ,but when we finally made it out there he was already in a weird black car and drove off." "We got a picture of the car though. Well the best we could." Said Devon. I looked at the picture then me and Jessica looked at eachother in fear. "What's wrong?" Asked Lucas. I looked at him and said, "That's Matthew Taylor's car." "Who's Matthew Taylor?" Asked Devon. "It's a long story." Said Jessica. "Well then let's go grab a bite and y'all can explain." Stated Jordan. We nodded then all got in the car. This is not good.

Oh my goodness! They know who the killer is? Wow. Who is this Matthew Taylor? Why does he want to kill Briella? Find out in the next chapter of the walking target.

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