Chapter 1- The Circus

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The silver Mercedes car drove swiftly along the icy barren road. The usually green fields were currently hidden by a thick blanket of blindingly white snow. A large road sign came into view.

" Welcome to Cover Shawls"

The car sped past the sign. A further two minutes along the road, and it pulled to a stop outside a large limestone building. The front doors swung open and two figures stepped out. The driver shut his door again and looked at the building. He rubbed his gloved hands together, his breath coming out in little fuzzes of smoke. He was in a thick black sweater, black cargo pants and big black boots. His short black hair was spiked up straight and suited nicely to his dark toned skin. His green eyes were the only source of colour on him.

" We're here."

The other figure shut her own door and walked around the front of the car to join him. She checked the time on her phone. 10:56. They were right on time as always. She wore a brown leather jacket over her plain red top with beige skinny jeans tucked into knee high brown boots. She never wore gloves, she didn't like how they cut off her sense of touch.

They knocked on the door of the building. A woman in her late thirties opened it.She ushered the duo inside and quickly shut the door. Inside was a large room with red sofas in front of an unlit fireplace. The walls were decorated with gold swirling patterns on the red wallpaper. A rum coloured carpet matched in with the colour scheme. The woman waved them inside and they all sat on the sofa. She shook their hands.

" Hello. You two must be the Hunters. I'm Mayor Thomas, I'm the one who called you."

" Hey, I'm Liam Shilling and this is Sylvia Archer. So what exactly is the problem?"

" Well, it all started two weeks ago when we started hearing music playing in the circus tents..."

" That's not normal?"

" Not in the Circo De Sangre it's not. That place was shut down ten years ago. Anyway, we just ignored it for a week, but now people have started disappearing then we have been finding their bodies drained of blood with puncture marks on their necks. If that doesn't scream vampire, I don't know what will." Sylvia thought about it. The Mayor was right, this was definatly vampires. Maybe it was her vampire. She had to find out.

" We can handle it, Mayor Thomas, don't you worry. Where is this circus?"

" Just a bit further up the road. You can't miss it, believe me." they thanked her and left. Sylvia walked to the car then turned to Liam.

" Open the doors."

" You took on this case pretty fast."

" I want to help these people."

" Before of after you find Him?"

" Liam, if there's a chance it's him, I will take it, and I will kill him. You know that." Liam just looked at her. He then pulled out his keys from his pocket and unlocked the car. She quickly slipped in the passengers seat and waited for him to start the car. They discussed a basic plan strategy, knowing they wouldn't stick to it, and soon pulled to a stop outside a large iron gate leading into a fairground. Amusement rides sat quiet, apart from loose parts clanging occasionally with the wind. A large red and black circus tent sat furthest away from them. Even in the white snow, the place still seemed gothic. Sylvia laughed at the morbid atmosphere.

" I've never been to a carnival, but I thought it'd be more cheery." Liam laughed with her. She went around and clicked open the boot of the car. She licked her lips as she looked at their collection of weapons. In her mind, she went through some likely situations she could run into. Eventually she settled on two standard handguns, an assault shotgun, and a small flamethrower, only holding a few seconds worth of gas. She picked out a set of knives and decided on where to keep them. She slipped one on her belt, one inside her right boot, and she put a pocket knife closed in her jacket pocket. Liam picked out his own weapons, the only difference he made to her choices was instead of a flamethrower, he chose a sub machine gun. Happy that they had everything they wanted, they closed and locked the car. Liam looked at the gate.

" It's open."

" Why do you say that like its a bad thing?"

" Because if this place was abandoned, it'd be locked up. Something has been in here."

" Then let's go in." Liam froze at the gate for a second before pushing the iron bars. It swung open slowly in the snow, screeching like it was in pain. Sylvia wasted no time stepping in.

As soon as she did, everything went black.

(A.N. I'm dedicating the first chapter to amandaxxxxx because she really helped me when I had writers block ^-^)

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