Chapter 19- The End??

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" Really? Well then...go ahead and try!"

Damian moved next to her, waiting for her to move. She bit her lip and looked at the ground silent. She heard Jet laugh. Damian whispered to her.

" Sylvia? What are you waiting for? Kill him!"

" I can't."

" What?! Why not?!" He was shouting now, making Jet smile wider.

" Because I don't have my guns." She reached into her right boot and pulled out the knife. He suddenly remembered how her stuff had disappeared at the lake.

Her guns contained special bullets that could kill vampires. They were Hunter tech, so very hard to get if you aren't part of the organisation. Truthfully, Sylvia had bought them off a black market at first, but Liam had managed to open a bullet up and figure out what was in it. He had then made the powder mix himself and put them into empty cases. Vampires were immortal, so these special powder bullets were the only way to kill them. Her knife could only cut them. Even if she stabbed the heart, it would just heal up again. The blade was useless for anything other than defence.

" This is all I have."

" Good. That makes our job so much easier!" Jet laughed. He nodded at the other three vampires. They hissed and charged straight for them.

The blond one reached to grab her. Damian shoved her out the way and she fell sideways onto the concrete ground. He punched the blond guy hard in the face, making him fall backwards. This just wasn't that guy's day, was it? This time he was knocked completely unconscious. The black haired guy threw punches at Damian now, but he dodged. While they were caught up, she noticed the brunette come closer to her. Sylvia jumped up, the knife still in her hand, and prepared herself for the attack. The vampire punched at her face, but she ducked out the way. She sliced the vampire's side, creating a large gap in the trench coat she wore. Red blood trickled out of a faint line across her side. The vampire hissed in pain, but remained standing. She punched at Sylvia again, and this time managed to hit her stomach, sending her flying. She crashed into the pole with the loudspeaker in front of the wheel. Pain shot up her back as she fell into a heap on the ground. She heard Damian shout her name. Her back hurt too much. She couldn't get up. But she could still see Damian fight off the last two vampires. Or at least try. They were too quick. They managed to wrestle him to the ground with his arms pinned behind his back. She attempted to move, but it was too painful.

Someone lifted her up. They moved her so that she was sitting up against the pole. She groaned at the pain of the movement, but relaxed a little once the pole took the weight off of her. She tensed up again when she realised Jet was the one who had moved her. He kneeled down to her, a little too close for her liking. For once, he wasn't smiling. In fact, he actually looked sad.

" I feel sorry for you. So unaware of your true potential." He reached to her. His fingertips brushed her cheek, making her push his hand away. The sudden movement made another shot of pain ripple through her body. She really felt pathetic. Damian was yelling threats and curses at Jet. He ignored him.

" Sylvia. You have Ginny's face, her hair...and Matt's stubborn attitude. You could have been great. It's such a shame." He picked up the knife that had fallen from her hand. He held the blade point at her chest. Damian's shouts grew louder and more violent and he struggled to try and help her. Jet added more pressure on the knife.

" Jet! Change of plan. Leave her alive, and bring my son back. That's an order."

The loudspeaker made him jump. The same voice from before cut off after its orders were given. Jet snarled, but he put the knife down next to her. He stood up and looked at her. He smiled again.

" Lucky girl. As much as I want you dead, I have my orders. Take him with us!" The two vampires held onto Damian and stood him up. He still struggled, but the VPNN toxin hadn't gotten out of his bloodstream yet, so they were a lot stronger. Jet walked over to the grey hoodie. Damian's hoodie, she had dropped it when she had been grabbed by the blond vampire. He picked it up and pulled out the envolope from the wheel. He walked back to her and placed the envolope with the knife. Without another word, he dropped Damian's hoodie on her lap, then marched away with the other two vampires. The blond one on the ground finally woke up, and he quickly scrambled up and ran after them. Damian was calling to her, but his words faded away before long. They disappeared out of her sight.

She still couldn't move. She felt worse than helpless. Liam was gone, Damian now too. And she could barely move her head. All her life, she had never lost anything. It was exactly like when she was twelve, but back then she was too young to have done anything. When she was sixteen, she simply wasn't strong enough to fight then. But now she was both police and Hunter trained, and yet she still failed. Maybe this was a sign that she should just give up. All this time she had avoided death. Maybe if she had just been killed by Jet when she had been innocent and unaware of the true horrors of the vampire world, none of this would have happened. Maybe if she had been killed instead of Anna, the cheerleader could have gone on to become a model like she had wanted. Maybe if Liam...maybe if Liam had saved Ronin instead of Sylvia, they would have been able to live happily together as Liam and Ronin Shilling...

She couldn't stop herself. She started crying. Warm tears slipped down her face, and she began to shake uncontrollably. It was all her fault. Everything wrong that had happened came down to her. She buried her face in her hands, ignoring the pain it caused her. After a minute of crying, she managed to stop. She wiped her wet cheeks with the backs of her hands. She let her hands drop to the ground. Her left hand landed on something cold. The knife. She picked it up gently and looked at her pathetic reflection in the blade. Even though she had cried for a while, her face looked normal. She had the sudden impulse to finish what Jet had started. She held the tip of the blade to her chest, right at her heart. It would be so easy to just add some pressure...

She threw the knife away as far as she could. It clanged off the ground before spinning to a stop a good ten meters away from her. She reached into her jean pocket and took out a packet of painkillers. Not your normal painkillers, though. These were yet more Hunter gear. These painkillers were fast and nulled any pain within seconds. She took one and waited. It took exactly four seconds and the pain in her back was gone. She stood up, picking up the envolope and the hoodie with her. She decided to carry the hoodie with her to return it to Damian when she found him.

After she saved him too.

She had come to her decision. She was sick of playing mind games, and sick of running. No more. She was going to go straight to the main tent, go straight inside, kill Lord Graham for taking Liam, then kill Jet. She was through with suffering, it was time to finish this once and for all. She tore open the envolope and took out the piece of paper inside. Just like the others, the final number was written in bold black marker pen.


Then she realised something. She smacked her forehead with her palm. How could they have been so stupid? The third number, in the black box.

They had never opened it.

And Damian had forgot to pick it up from the shelf in the bathrooms. Before she did anything, she had to go back for it. She sighed as she folded the paper into her pocket, tossed the envolope away, and, carrying the grey hoodie in her left arm, headed back towards the bathroom where they had left the box.

She made a mental note to slap Damian later.

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