Chapter 9- Unlikely Allies

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Sylvia held up her gun to the bat, but another screech made her have to cover her ears again. This time the screech came from behind her. She spun around and saw two more bats fly down. The cling of the cage door locking made her turn back. A man now stood there smiling. He turned to face her. He was a vampire, she had guessed that, but she hadn't expected to see a nice looking one. This vampire was handsome, shoulder length orange-copper hair that shone even in the dim lighting, and a well set face. If it wasn't for the red eyes, he could easily pass for a normal human.

Or a male model.

She heard Liam swear behind her. She looked to see him receive a hard punch to the jaw from one of two more vampires. The force of the punch made a hideous crack and sent him flying across into the dusty ground outside the ring. Sylvia ran to the bars of the cage.

" Liam! Liam, are you okay?" No answer. The vampire who hit him cracked his knuckles and both turned to face her. They smiled at her, only making her angrier. They both wore long trench coats and looked like twins.

" Now I think that was a damn good punch, don't you?" She swung at the orange haired vampire who had moved next to her. He was caught off gaurd, but still ducked, easily avoiding her attack. His two friends laughed as he fell backwards onto the dirt. He stayed there for a moment, still unsure of what had just happened, then stood up. He grumbled something and leaned against the opposite side of the cage. Sylvia watched as one of the twins walked over to Liam, and bent down to him. She pointed her gun at him and he stopped.

" Don't even think about hurting him."

" Or what? You'll shoot me? No one's aim is that good..." In response, she flicked off the gun's safety. The other twin stepped away from the cage, making his brother hesitate. She was ready to pull the trigger, when a hand grabbed her wrists. She looked at the orange haired vampire. He wasn't smiling anymore.

" Hey, chill out. He's just checking his pulse, okay?" Right enough, the twin checked Liam's pulse then stood straight up again. He returned to the side of the cage and smiled at her again.

" He's fine. Unconscious, but alive. So how's about you drop the gun?"

" No way! Ow!" The orange haired vampire tightened his grip on her wrists, forcing her to drop her gun. She swung her leg, and managed to kick him in the stomach. He cried out and his grip loosened again, but he didn't let go. She tried to pull out of his grasp, but even when in pain, his vampire strength was impressive.

"I'm not letting go until you hear us out." She stopped struggling. There was nothing else she could do, except see what they had to say.

"I'm listening." she spoke through gritted teeth. She hated this feeling of helplessness. The twin who punched Liam earlier nodded.

" I'm Kyle. This is my brother Rory, and that's Jerry. We've been sent by Damian to..."

" Damian?"

" Don't worry, we're with him on this and want to help you."

" Then why the hell did you punch Liam?!"

" He attack me first! Anyway, Damian sent us to tell you that his father, Lord Graham, has changed how you get in to the main tent. You have to find a four digit code."

" Why didn't he come tell us himself?"

" Because his father has locked him away so he stays safe. So here we are." She allowed herself to take the information in fully. She had to find a four digit code? No doubt it wasn't as easy as it sounded. There was always a catch to these sorts of things. She sighed in annoyance.

" Where can I find this code?"

" It's been split up. Somewhere in the circus are four seperate numbers. But we do know the first one is in the Animal House. The building behind here. Okay, Jerry you can let her out." Jerry let go of her wrists. She now had red marks in the shape of his fingers on her right wrist. She bent down and picked up her gun.

" If these bruise, I'm breaking your hands." she grumbled. Jerry let out a nervous laugh, not sure if she was joking or not. She wasn't.

He quickly crossed the cage and unhooked the lock. At least he tried. He swore when it wouldn't move, and shrugged at her. She rolled her eyes. She placed her gun on her belt and approached the bars of the cage. She turned sideways and slipped between them. It was an easier task than she thought it would be. Thankfully, she was just thin enough to fit through. Once outside the cage, she turned to look at Jerry, still stuck in the cage. He smiled. His form started to change.

Sylvia had never actually seen the transformation between a vampire and a bat. Now she watched as his body turned into a strange black circle of fog. The fog grew smaller until it took a shape of a bat. Suddenly, it turned into a real bat. The bat flew through the bars as it had earlier. Then the process reversed, and soon Jerry was back to his normal, vampire self.

Sylvia moved around the cage and headed to an unconscious Liam outside the ring. She kneeled down to him. There was a large bruise forming on his dark cheeks and he would probably have a killer headache when he woke up, but at that moment his face seemed strangely peaceful. He deserved a good break from the hell they were in. Unlike Sylvia, Liam was not as brave when it came to life threatening situations. He wasn't very good at facing his fears, while she wasn't scared of almost anything. He had often tried to find out what the one thing she was scared of was, but she refused to tell anyone. The expression of peace on his face now was one she was unlikely to see again. She heard the three vampires walk over to her.

" You go get the first number. We will keep him safe."

" I don't think I trust you that much yet..."

" You don't exactly have a choice. We promise he will be fine."

" Okay...but if anything happens to him, I will kill all three of you." They nodded, already knowing perfectly well she meant it. She watched them move Liam onto the bench before she left for the Animal House. She was laying her partner's life into the hands of Rory, Jerry, and Kyle. Liam would probably freak out when he finds out. But she knew they were right and she didn't have a choice. The view she had always wondered started to grow in her. Something she had always thought, but refused to believe, and something that a true Hunter would never even consider.

Maybe not all vampires were evil...

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