Chapter 20- Rebound

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Damian tried to free himself from the ropes around his wrists and his chest that held him tightly to the uncomfortable metal chair. It wasn't working.

" Give it up, man. They dosed you with VPNN while you were unconscious." Of course. Jet had hit him with something because he was getting annoyed of Damian's yelling and protesting. It only made sense that he still didn't have the strength he should have if they had shot him again. He looked at Liam. Like him, Liam was tied tightly to a chair. A large bruise covered his right cheek. He wouldn't look at Damian. Instead he stared at the floor.

" Liam? You're okay! Sylvia will be happy..."

" If she's alive you mean."

" What?"

" I saw it. Everything at the wheel. They showed me on a security camera. She hit that pole hard."

" Liam, she's alive. My father ordered Jet to keep her alive. She'll find us...I know she will." Someone was clapping sarcastically. His father emerged from the shadows, frowning disapprovingly. He stopped in front of them and looked down his nose at his son.

" Your faith in this girl is amazing, Damian. Tell me... What makes her so special? So special, in fact, you turn your back on your own father?" He remained silent. His father pulled over a TV from beside him, and positioned it in front of them.

" How about we see how she's doing on her own now." He switched it on. The screen went fuzzy for a moment before an image began to form. He saw the wheel and the stands next to it.

And Sylvia.

She was still sitting where Jet had left her. Her face was buried in her hands and she was shaking. Liam immediately sat up straighter at this.

" She's crying?"

" Why do you say that like its unusual?"

" She hasn't cried as long as I've known her..." Damian thought back to when she had told him about her past. His father had gone.

" When did you two meet?"

" We were eighteen. She was a traveller and happened to visit my hometown." She had told him she was sixteen when her mother had gone missing, so it was his guess that maybe that moment had been the last time she had cried, depending on what happened in the two years between. A traveller? He wanted to know more details, but he got a feeling that Liam was holding back. A quick search of his mind confirmed he didn't plan on telling him any more. Something happened on the screen to make Liam's eyes widen. Damian looked and saw Sylvia holding the knife. No! No, no! She wouldn't, would she? His heart rate must have skyrocketed as she held the blade at her chest. His fathers laugh came from behind them.

" Looks like you overestimated her, son!"

Liam turned away, obviously not wanting to see this. Damian wanted to look away, but he had a better idea. He searched for a connection to her mind. He was breaking their promise, but he wasn't exactly able to tell her he was doing it. He managed to find her. Her thoughts were coming fast, but he managed to hear one sentence.

" I'm a coward..."

As soon as he heard it, she threw the knife away from herself. He smiled and told Liam he could look now. He turned his head slowly, but picked himself up fast when he saw she was okay.

" Yes! Alright Sylvia!" Damian heard his father hiss. They watched her stand up again, pick up the envolope and his hoodie, and read the number inside the envolope. She stood still for a moment, then started walking. Once she was off screen, his father turned it off and pushed it away, angrily. Damian smiled at him.

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