Chapter 26- The Final Battle (Part 2)

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An awkward silence had fell over the main tent. Jerry, Jet and Talia sat next to Liam while the six Hunters were sitting on the benches opposite them. Every now and then, one of the Hunters would lean to another and whisper something, making Jerry feel on edge.

" We want to ask you some questions." The Hunter with the medal spoke up, breaking the tense atmosphere.

" Sure, I guess." Jerry shrugged. It was better than sitting in silence.

" How many vampires are on these grounds?"

" 'Bout a hundred. We all followed a leader, who Sylvia and Damian are currently fighting."

" And you all move in a group?"

" No. It's seperate families all brought together by that leader. He called us here to see him 'take over the world', but it's not gonna happen."

" What's your names?"

" Jerry. That's Talia..." he motioned at her and she waved politely. He glanced at Jet. " And he's dead." Jet would have jumped out his chair if his back wasn't still aching. He glared at Jerry instead.

" What?!"

" Hey, Jet, let's face it! After all the crap you did to Sylvia, she's gonna kill you." One of the woman stared at Jet.

" You're the vampire that haunted her past?"

" The one and only." Jet spoke cockily, winking at her. She remained blank.

" I've only heard second hand stories about her, but..."

" Don't believe gossip, sweetheart. It's all bull."

They heard another crack of thunder outside. It was followed by a flash, and a loud crackle. Instantly, Jerry, Talia and the Hunters jumped up and ran to the tent entrance. They saw the ferris wheel illuminate as it was struck by the lightning Jet hobbled up behind them and looked.

" Thank God we weren't still over there." Jerry turned his head to look at the cyber goth. But his attention was caught by something over Jet's shoulder.

Or rather, lack of someone.

" Where's Liam?"

While Graham and Damian fought, Sylvia worked out her plan. She had to be sure this would work. More thunder and a flash of lightning, a lot closer this time. The next one was what she wanted, and she had to act quick for it to work. Taking in a deep breath, she turned to face the fighting father and son.

Both were running out of breath, Graham more so, since he was having to dodge faster due to his lack of speed. She positioned herself close to the pylon, too close to dodge if her timing was even a second off. Knowing she had no choice, she dropped the gun.

" Graham! I'm over here! You want to kill me, right? Well I'm unarmed!" She yelled. Graham grinned maliciously. Damian looked at her like she was insane, and maybe she was. But this was their best chance.

Graham took his opening and shoved Damian away, sending him crashing to the roof top. Without his speed, Sylvia had a better chance to move on time. He drew nearer, and her heart raced as the adrenalin kicked in.

He was inches away from her, holding his arm out to punch her, when she ducked. She moved as fast as she could, and Graham had no time to react. His fist continued forward and passed between the metal bars of the pylon. She ducked under the lowest one and quickly drew the handcuffs from her pocket. She clasped one of the cuffs around one of the bars and the other onto Graham's wrist. She then ducked under the back of the pylon and ran over to Damian. The thunder from the last strike rumbled close by. She counted to three.

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