Chapter 25- The Final Battle (Part 1)

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" Archer, I demand an explanation." Carter's voice called out to her from the screen. She walked over to the table, rubbing her neck. She knew she was going to be covered in bruises by the time she made it home.

" I'm a bit busy at the moment, Carter..."

" A quick summary then. I'm sending in my men, and I want to know what they're dealing with."

" No, don't send the Hunters!" Damian exclaimed, appearing beside her. He was right. If the Hunters came, they'd kill the entire group of vampires inside the circus, including Jerry, the twins, Talia and Jet. And when they found out about Liam, they'd put him down too. Hell would break loose.

" Excuse me? Who are you?"

" I'm Damian. I'm Graham's son and everyone I care about is here. Your Hunters will kill them all!"

" Vampires must be killed. You are all menaces to humans!"

" Carter, shut up!" Sylvia slammed her hand on the table. Carter stared at her like she was an alien. Truthfully, she was a stranger to him now. Her time spent in the circus had changed her so drastically, she was a shadow of her former self.

" If you send in your team, they do not hurt anybody here unless they turn excessively hostile. And I swear to God, Carter, if I hear a gunshot that's not mine, there'd better be damn good reasoning to it. Or the vampires will be the least of Alpha team's worries." He froze for a minute, then reluctantly repeated her orders to his team via radio. He knew better than to doubt that she would kill his squad without hesitation.

" This was the reason I had to drop you as a Hunter, Archer. You always had that strange belief of yours that not all vampires were evil."

" And I was right. In fact, I'd have been dead hours ago if it weren't for vampires saving me. Liam would be lying dead in the tent if it wasn't for Damian and another vampire." She stared hard at him. " The point I'm trying to make is that I've met vampires here that don't want to hurt people. They want to help. And if you or your team lay a finger on them, I will kill you all. If it must be, I will come and speak to you in person after all this is over. But if you don't mind, I have a vampire Lord to kill. Remember my warning, Carter. I don't joke around." She hit the 'end chat' button on the laptop, cutting off Carter's reply. She sighed.

" Thanks." Damian said. She looked at him.

" If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. I protect my friends." She motioned towards the window. " Now, let's go kill your father."

He nodded and handed her back her handgun. She took it, and decided to leave the flamethrower. It was useless now. She looked for her knife, and found it next to the blood trail leading out to the fire escape. It's blade was stained with Graham's blood, but she hooked it onto her belt anyway. Then she looked at Damian.

" Do you want a weapon?" she asked. He looked at her shocked, and she felt like she had just asked the stupidest question in the world. But she justified it in her head by noting that Graham was obviously stronger than Damian, so a weapon would be a better idea.

" Erm...I guess so...if you can spare one..." She could. The knife would cause more damage if a stronger force was wielding it. She unhooked it again and flipped it, catching the crimson blade safely in her hand again. He took the knife by the handle and flashed her a quick smile.

" Show off." he murmured. She shrugged.

They climbed out the window and onto the metal fire escape. It creaked worryingly as their weight went onto it. She didn't know how old the rickety structure was, but she didn't trust it. Especially when it shook as Damian stepped on it.

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