Chapter 23- The Flashback Chapter 3 (part 2)

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" Hello? Hunter Base? Yes, I need a Hunter to come fast. Yeah, it's..."

Sylvia zoned out of Liam's phone call. She was focused on driving quickly (but still legally,) to the park where she had won the archery tournament a week ago. The only oak trees in town grew there, so that had to have been where Bill was attacked. Liam finished his call to the Hunters and hung up his mobile. He looked at her, concerned.

" Why do we need Hunters? Aren't they for...?"

" Vampires. Yes. Bill was bitten by one not long ago."

" Woah, wait! And we're going after it?!"

" Hey, I didn't exactly force you to come along! And don't worry. I just want to make sure he stays put until the Hunters get here." she half lied.

" Oh good." Liam whispered sarcastically. She stopped at the park gates. They got out and she ran through into the large grass field. The oak trees bordered the park, shading the far end of it. Without much second thought, she started walking over. Liam caught up to her.

" So how exactly do you plan on keeping the vampire in the park without getting yourself killed?"

" I fought a vampire when I was only sixteen. I'm two years older now, and easily stronger." He fell silent. That little admission usually made people freeze. The idea that a young girl fought a vampire on her own and survived is hard to believe. But it was true and she was the living proof.

She searched the shadows for movement. If this vampire was clever, he would have already run away before anyone showed up. But if he was confident, he would stay to see how many people turned up to find him. If she had learned anything from her research, it was that vampires, like humans, all assessed their situations differently. Some were cowards, some were gamblers. And it looked like this one was a gambler.

He saw her first, and smiled. He was very overconfident. Liam gasped behind her. She told him to stay back, then moved forward. The vampire never moved, but his smile widened.

" Hi." He looked like a typical guy. Jeans and a sweatshirt with converse trainers. Without the red eyes, he could pass for a normal young man.

" Hi." His smile dropped when she responded so calmly. He raised an eyebrow, now confused by her behaviour.

" You know what I am, don't you?"

" Of course. The red eyes are a dead give away."

" Yeah. So, Hunters, where's your weapons?" Hunters? She couldn't help but laugh. This angered the vampire of course, but he actually thought they were Hunters? A thought hit her. If he thought they were Hunters, then he wouldn't attack them, or more importantly, Liam. She didn't want him getting hurt. So she went along with it.

" Sorry. We didn't think you'd be stupid enough to hang around." She turned to look at Liam. He was very confused right now. She smiled at him.

" Why don't you go and check where they are. I can handle this." He took a moment, but eventually caught on to her bluff. He nodded reluctantly, but left. She turned back to the vampire, half expecting him to have run away. But he was still there, smiling at her.

" 'I can handle this'? Don't underestimate me!" He flew at her. She was caught off guard, but still managed to move out of the way. She kicked at his legs, and tripped him up. He landed hard on the ground. He didn't get up straight away.

Someone shouted at them. Liam was following behind three armed Hunters. As they drew closer, the vampire laughed. She moved closer. He smiled at her, but remained on the ground. The Hunters reached them, two pulled the vampire up and handcuffed him, the other one grabbed her and took her away over to Liam. They followed them out of the park. The Hunters stabbed some sort of needle into the vampires neck and he fell back against the Hunters car. As they started questioning what to do with him, Sylvia realised something.

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