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Jet watched from afar as the red headed woman waited at the table. He had been watching for over ten minutes. Whoever she was waiting for, they were late. She looked to be getting impatient. Sunglasses shielded her eyes from the bright sun. Her shirt was long sleeved and she wore trousers and a scarf. He stood in the shadows.

Finally, a man approached her. He shook her hand as he sat down opposite her. He was a young guy, no older than twenty, in baggy jeans and a beanie hat. Passing people glanced at the odd pair. A scruffy kid with a well dressed, classy lady. It was an odd match up. Jet clicked on his earpiece to hear their conversation through his hidden microphone the kid had just attached under the table.

" You're not exactly what I expected." the woman's voice said.

" Yeah, I get that a lot. But I'm still the best."

" So I've heard."

" So what is it you want, darlin'?"

" I need twelve VPNN."

" Ouch! That's one heck'v and order, there. Hunter gear like that's hard to acquire."

" How much?"

" Twelve thousand."

" When will I get them?"

" Tomorrow. We arrange a place to meet and I'll hand 'em over to you."

" And I assume you want the cash now?"

" Preferably."

" Well, I have bad news for you. I'm not paying."

" What?" The woman took off her sunglasses to reveal purplish-blue eyes. The kid's face dropped as about a dozen police officers surrounded their table. The woman continued to remove the red wig, and blond hair tumbled out from under it. Sylvia sipped the last of her tea while the officers arrested the vampire arms dealer. One officer hung back and let his colleagues take the kid to the station. He looked down at Sylvia with admiration.

" Nice job."

" Thanks." she stood up, shook hands with the officer, then turned away and left. The officer watched her go, then returned to his car and drove back to the station.

Jet moved from the shadows and followed Sylvia. His distance was constant, not too close but still enough to see her paths. She weaved in between the city's busy streets. A few times, Jet passed some hormonal young guys discussing the pretty blond they just saw. It seemed Sylvia couldn't go anywhere unnoticed.

Eventually, he got what he was looking for. She turned into a building of flats on the main street. He watched her go in, then walked past the door, subtly glancing at the names next to each door bell. The sixth one was his target. The name typed in black on a white paper slip and stuck next to the button.

S Archer.

Armed with the knowledge he had set out for, Jet disappeared back into the shadows.

He met with his colleague back at the dungeon. She inquired as to where he'd been, but he simply told her he was checking something. He knew better to tell her anything. Though he had to admit she was more mature now, she was still untrustworthy.

He left her standing and continued through to the small square room he had made his home in for the past month. He picked up a piece of a broken mirror and examined himself. The reflection was almost unrecognisable. Almost...

He used the mirror to help him take out the piercings on his nose and lip. He tossed the silver hoops in his hand, then threw them out the small barred window hole on the wall opposite him.

After that, he put the mirror shard back on the ground where he found it, and lay back on the uncomfortable metal bed. He felt something beneath the thin pillow, and reached under it to take it out. It was the letter, hidden from him inside a white envolope, and the small blue box. He just looked at them for a minute, then slipped them into the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

He left the room, running into her again. Again, she asked him where he was going. And again he gave her a plain answer as he headed out.

" To deliver a birthday present."


Very short epilogue, but it wasn't really a chapter, just a hint of things to come ;)

But hey, my first completed story! Woohoo!

I'm starting work on the first few chapters of the sequel now. It's going to be called 'Blood Circus: The Closing Act', and I'll probably add a note onto this book when it's released so that non-fans will know. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! :)

P.S: I usually hate saying this, but it'd be nice, if you liked my work, to fan, vote, or even just leave a comment! Let me know if there was anything that could be improved, or tell me what you really liked. :)

X TopazDragon

Blood CircusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant