Chapter 17- Exiled

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She stumbled into the dark room. Behind her, she heard him close the door. The light suddenly illuminated the small space. She wanted to leave as soon as she saw where they were.

A bathroom.

Five toilet stalls were on her left, all of them open, and three sinks were to her right. Her boots scuffed on the white tile floor as she turned to face him. He leaned against the door, stopping her from leaving. He rested the black box on a shelf next to him.

" Okay, I know this isn't exactly classy, but we have to talk..."

" Are you breaking up with me?" she slightly regretted her quick comment once she had said it. But when she was nervous, she couldn't help but say the first thing that came into her mind, and that was usually some sort of quip.

" This isn't a joke, Sylvia!" She was taken aback by this. He was serious. She crossed her arms and averted his eyes. He asked her where she recognised the book from again, calmer this time. She hesitated.

" I have the same book, that's all. Now can we go?" He didn't move.

" While we're here, I want some other questions answered too..."

" We don't have time for this! They have Liam..."

" They won't kill him. Not as long as you're out here. They want to lure you to him, and they need him alive to do that. Now, how can you read my mind?"

" I don't know..."

" If your not a Hunter, how can you fight vampires without being bitten?"

" I don't know!"

" Sylvia, when I look in your eyes, I see hatred. Why? Maybe I can help." She thought about this. She had wanted to ask him about the vampire from her past, and now she could. But that would mean having to tell him the whole story. She hadn't told anyone, not even Liam, about her past, other than she had a vendetta with a vampire. Then again, Damian could see her negative feelings, and wasn't going to let this go without an explanation. She had hit a cross road. Tell Damian everything she had kept secret for years, or refuse and lose her chance at finding the vampire she had searched for just as long. Eventually, she started twisting a strand of her hair around her left index finger, nervously.

And told him.

It came out easier than she had thought it would. She told him about her dad, and how he had disappeared with the purple haired vampire. About how the same vampire had murdered her best friend, then how her mother had disappeared that same night. She danced around certain details, like the argument she had overheard between her mother and her dad, and the necklace her mother gave her, things that weren't important to him.

When she was finished her story, she looked at him. Her eyes met his. She saw her chance to get an answer to one of her questions.

" Do you know who the guy with purple hair is?" He was quiet for a second before answering.

" Yes. He's the one who told my father I was helping you."

Damian had thought it was strange that his father had sent a guard up to his room. The guard had said 'Lord Graham wants to talk with you', and a horrible feeling built up inside him. This wasn't right. If it was just another 'father to son' chat, his father would have come up himself. It was unusual for him to be summoned by his own father.

The guard led him into the large room acting as a base. It was dull, like most of the buildings in this stupid circus, and made entirely of concrete, but compared to the castle where they made their home, it was a dream house. His father stood in the middle of the room, watching him as he came in. He was purposely hiding his emotions from him. The guard stopped Damian about a meter away from his father. Someone came in through a door behind him. A horrible energy filled the room. It was dark, evil, and he knew immediately who had joined them.

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