Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV

"Babe I went to Dunkin real fast and got you breakfast. We're going to be late anyway so why not go in with happy bellies." I put the food down on her desk and waited for her to come out of the bathroom. 

I sat on her bed and took a sip from her medium caramel cold brew. The caramel was a great touch but it needs about five more sugar packets for me.

What? I like it extra sweet.

After a couple minutes went by with no noise coming from the bathroom my ears perked up. No footsteps. No giddy Camila coming through to devour her food. Either I'm being paranoid as fuck, or something is very wrong.

I knocked on the door, no response.

"Camila you in there? I'm coming in." Empty.

"If this is a joke it's not quite funny." I take a few cautious steps around her room just in case she decided to jump out and scare me. To my disappointment that moment never came. Okay if she is not in her room maybe she went down stairs. As i go to check every room in the house my feet come to a hault by her window. A familiar smell hits my nostrils but I can't quite put my finger on who or what it was, along with the scent of the girl I've been looking for.

"What the actual fuck." I whisper to myself.

I inspected the room for any traces of her blood and came up empty. Thank god.

My senses were going crazy and my mind was racing trying to remember where that familiar scent came from. So she left through the window? Was she hurt? So many questions were flying through my head. I could feel my heart beat increase by the second and the wee bit of calmness I had decipitate with every breath. I shook my head and took a deep breath. I'll just be even more irrational if I let myself get that worked up. I tried to calm down but all I could think about was her.

"Ahhh fuck... no please God no!" I could feel my body getting hotter by the second. I took another deep breath and focused on that unknown scent, even getting to my hands and knees and sniffing around the window. Focusing on the unknown scent I was able to smell burnt hair, old leather, and a whole lot of bitch. That's it. There is only one person I know who holds all these smells. I jumped out the window and got on my bike.

Someone is going to lose their life today and I can't wait to be the one to take it.

Camila's POV

My head hurts and my nose is itchy. I go to scratch it but the rope around my wrists prevent me from doing so. I look around and see I'm in a nice ass SUV of some sort with two other dudes along with the crazy vampire chick from my room. One of them which was sitting right next to me.

"Shut up will ya I'm trying to think!" 

"NO! You know you're going to get us killed right, Lucy!" Some guy, who I'm going to assume is another vampire, because that just makes sense, yelled. He was sitting next to Lucy and all I could make or was his short brown hair and pale complexion.

"If you keep yelling at me you just might loose your life sooner than you think. And besides, you said yes to my invitation earlier none of this should be a surprise to you." She said back as she pulled into the freeway. Oh no, this is not good.

"Well you failed to mention you were kidnapping Celeste's girl! You said we were going to go grab a bite around town. Now excuse me if I'm not accepting of your lies. Turn this fucking car around before she finds us and rips our hearts out!"

"I told you we shouldn't have listened to her, but noooo we just had to go with Lucy." Said the guy next to me.

"Relax she won't hurt us that's why I got her little human over there."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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