11:34 pm

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One of my friend caught me smoking today.

She was surprise to say the least, and told me to stop smoking. She also told me how she didn't like me acting rebelious and doing 'bad stuff' that wasn't good for my body. She told me how the smoke will filled my lungs with dangerous chemical that will kill me somehow. She told me one ciggarate can lessen my life for a day. And the list goes on.

I just listen to her while she kept rambling about how bad it is for me, but it's okay. It's okay because this is how she showed me that she care about me. This is how she kept me on track whenever I cross the line.

But as soon as I got home, thinking back about how exhausted it is hearing her lecturing me all day long about how bad it is, I couldnt help but think about you.

What would you do if you were the one who caught me smoking today instead of her?

Would you try to stop me? Would you try to talk me to it? Would you tell me how bad it is for my body? Would you tell me that it'll kill me slolwy?

Oh, who am I kidding? The question that I should be asking was, Would you care about it at all? Would you care about me?

I wouldn't know that now, would I?

Because I know that the answer will only be a mystery that I always questioned that'll haunt me when I miss you.

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