10:07 pm

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I remember bumping you at the grocery store today.

I was shocked, to say the least. You look different. Your hair is longer, your shoulder is more built than it is two years ago. You look older, more mature. And if that's even possible, you look more handsome.

You smile at me, while I was still gaping like a fish, too shock to see you here. Well I guess the rumor is true, you really are back in town.

"How are you?" you asked. I said I was fine, I'm not.

"It was great to see you here," you said. I smile and said the same, It's wasn't.

"I hope to see you soon." you said before leaving me.

"Of course. You too." I said, watching you slolwy walk away from me still smiling, giving me one last glance before you turn left to the exit door.

I lied.

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