09:08 pm

273 33 0

its the way he touch me when I need to be touch.

its the way he kissed me gently.

its the way he keeps my mind off things that he knew will destroy me when I kept overthink it.

its the way he keeps me warm on the inside when he notice I started to get distant and cold because my insecurities get the best of me.

or maybe,
its the way he smiles everytime he look at me.

and maybe,
its the way his eyes lit up everytime he notice me from across the room.

whichever it is,
the little things that he does,
are the one that makes me fall in love more deeper and deeper.

and yet,
it was the one,
that destroy me the most.

and now that he left,
I knew I'm too fucked to find another love,
because no one,
can makes me feel the way he made me feel.

and that,
is how he broke me.

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