6:44 pm

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I envy those who could talk to their mother about their love life, and be the role model she needs when she have no clue about how painful heartbreak is.

I envy those who can laugh and sing to an old song with their father, while he drop her off to school because he want to make sure that his little princess is safe.

I envy those who can talk about their passion to their mother, and gave them the support they need when they started to doubt themself instead of making them feel even worst by telling them to stop wasting their time.

I envy those kid who can actually communicate with their parents because unlike them, i can't do that without getting accused or insulted.

I envy those parents who can listen to their children and give the love that they need, because unlike you, i can't talk to my mother without being insulted and i dont know how it feels to be wrapped in my father arms.

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