10:24 pm

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What's wrong?

There goes the question.

What's wrong? what's up? what's bothering you?

The thing is, I dont know. I do not know what is bothering me and is that even make any sense? maybe the fact that I'm so used feeling numb, that's wrong, right?

Or maybe I'm numbing myself because I got hurt all over again by giving people chances that I should've stop giving because I'm running out of quota of goodbyes, meaning, I know I cant take another person leaving me behind with or without an explaination.

But sometimes, I feel alright. I smile and laugh, joke around here and there. But I can still feel a whole inside of me, sucking me alive like the dementors. As if they live inside of me. Perhaps, thats why I can never feel happy or even content for a long time. It's because of the dementors, my demons, the guilt, the lost hope, the broken love and the unstoppable pressure.

Or maybe its me. Maybe I'm fucked up. Cause I can't never answer a simple 'whats wrong' question.

And the truth is, everything is wrong.

e v e r y t h i n g.

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