Waking up next to him(Ethan)

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"Ethan babe, it's 2:00 in the afternoon let's get up." " I don't wanna get up , I wanna cuddle you." Ethan says with his raspy morning voice as he wraps him arms around you and pulls you close.

"I know me to Ethan but we can't waste the day away." "Alright baby girl I'll get up for you but first, let's cuddle for a
bit ok?" "Ok Ethan." You sigh in defeat.

Ethan grabbed your waist and pulled you into his chest and snuggled his head into your neck and kissed you there multiple times. You knew what he was trying to do so you played along.

After it got a bit heated you snuck out from his grasp and ran out of the room and downstairs and hid. A few minutes later you heard him run down the stairs calling playfully out to you. "Oh y/n you can't hide from me for long." You couldn't help but giggle a bit.

You could hear Ethan come closer to you where you were probably because you giggled. All of a sudden you feel two big strong arms grab you and pull you out from under the table and throw you over his back and run into the living room.

"I got you now baby girl, now let's cuddle and watch a movie." This is how mornings are like waking up next to Ethan.

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