Chapter 1

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Avalon's pov

My fists pounded against the punching bag as I let out all of my anger. My fists against the bag overlooked the music that was ringing in my ears through my iPod. I hit the bag one more time before it swung off the chains and to the corner of he gym. I sighed.

Stupid bag.

Walking to the corner of the gym, I picked up the bag and slipped it back on the chains. I wiped the sweat from my forehead, and walked out of the gym, and to my room. Yeah, we have a indoor gym. I live with my mom here in Atlanta, and we got all the money from her job of being a doctor. She's a really good doctor, as you can see. I look exactly like my mother. I had her long brown hair, and her hazel eyes, her cute little dimples, and her bodily genes if you know what I mean.

The only thing I have from my rag of a father is his height. I'm 5'7, as that's kind of tall for he average female. My father walked out on us when I was 9. I was a total daddy's girl. I loved him to death. I would always snuggle up to him in bed at night. He would always tell me happy stories when it rained to lift up my mood, and he would always bring me gifts when he went away to work. He was my superhero. But that changed. He left us and I cried for days, months.

I asked mom if he was ever coming back, and guess what'd she tell me? She told me that he was on a journey around the world to save people. See, back when I was 9 I believed in superheroes and mermaids and mythical creatures. All that ended when I finally matured and realized he was never coming back. I started to hate him for it. I hate my father and I want nothing to do with him. He doesn't even deserve the title of a father. He's everything but.

I took a quick shower and collapsed on my bed, only to have my mom call me back down.

"Avalon Alexandria Hazel Demetri Green, get your butt down here, now." She yelled, and I shuddered. My mom never uses my full name unless I'm in trouble. I wonder what I did this time.

Jogging down the steps, I quickly made my way in the living room to see my mom with a paper in her hand. She looked at it angrily, and then looked at me.

"Why the hell did you light a classroom on fire?" She asked me.

"Well I saw a jug of gas, but when I went over to see how much was in it, I got kind of sad. I mean why fool me when I thought it was a full jug when it was only half full? Anyways, I decided to have a little fun, and I poured a little around the class and grabbed a match, and then bam. Explosion." I said, and made an explosion gesture with my hands.

She shook her head at me.

"You've got to stop this. It's the 8th school you've been kicked out of Avalon."

"Actually, it's the 11th if you count the boarding schools."

"That Prestige Boarding School was very academic. Did you really have to set that girl's hair on fire?"

"She provoked me, what am I supposed to do? Ask her to kindly not do it again like a normal person would? I'm no normal person, dear mother." I said, clicking my tongue.

"That's it. You're going to move with your father in L.A." She said, and looked at me with a sign of worry clear in her eyes. I bet she is worried. Worried how the hell I'm going to react.

"What the hell mom? Why do want to send me all the way across the country to move with some man I don't even know? He's a complete stranger." I fumed.

"He's your father Avalon."

"He is not my father. He lost that title years ago." I said back, crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry Avalon, but it's for the best. You're going to be going to a school called Oakley High, and you can't mess this up." She said, shaking her head.

"Mom, you can't do this to me." I sighed, exasperated. I was practically begging her not to make me go.

"You have to sweetie. It's for the best. You're leaving tomorrow morning."

"Ugh! I hate this. I hate him! He left us years ago mom! How can you just forget about that? He walked out on us without a care in the world, and he didn't seem to care about us. He told me he was coming back! He said it was just another business trip. But he never came back! He had me crying for months, mom. Can't you see that I don't want to be with him? I want to stay here, with you. It's where I'm happy at! But yet, you don't care about my happiness. You only care about your work. Just like he did." I fumed, and walked to my room.

Burying my face into the pillow, I screamed and let all of my pent up frustrations in it. Why must she do me like this? Why?! I sighed and began packing. I started with my closet, clearing out all of my clothing, bras and undies. Unzipping my black suitcase, I folded my clothes up and put them neatly in. I grabbed my shoe bag and began putting my Jordan's, heels, flats, foams, and sandals in. After about an hour, I had finished packing, and it was around 10 that night.

Maybe I should have a little fun before I leave. Grabbing my red thigh high dress, I slipped it on with my red heels, and cat winged my eyeliner. I put on a slight coat of mascara, and put on my signature blood red lipstick.


Grabbing my money, I stuck it inside of my bra, along with my phone, and walked outside. Getting in my car, I shut the door and started the engine.

Underground here I come.


Making my way into the club, I immediately walked to the bar. Sitting down on the stool, u turned to the brown haired bartender.

"Margarita. Make it heavy." I said, as he nodded and soon came back with my drink. I immediately downed it, and he looked at me in satisfaction.

I winked at him before making my way to the dance floor. Bodies were moving, the music was pumping, and the alcohol was flowing through my system. Halfway through a song, someone came and put their hands on my waist, and I didn't bother to see who it was. Grinding my hips against his, he followed the motions and we swayed our hips together to the beat. I turned around finally to see who it was, and saw the bartender. He smirked, and pulled my hips to his, and grinded on me, pressing his body against mine.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to my ear, and the smell of alcohol on him reeked. He tried to take me to a room, and kept pulling on my arm, and I wanted out. I slapped him, and began to walk away, when he grabbed my arm again.

"You aren't going anywhere babydoll." He whispered, his breath fanning against my face.

"You're right. Let's have a little fun. Dance a bit more, yeah?" I said, seductively. Right when he pressed his body against mine, I brought my leg up and kneed him where the sun didnt shine. He groaned and fell on the floor, clutching himself.

"Never try it again." I said, menacingly.

Walking out of the club with a sway of my hips, I laughed at what happened, and made my way home.

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