Chapter 10

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Avalon's pov

I woke up to the velvety sound of Grayson's laughter, echoing through my ears. I sat and rubbed my eyes and expected to be laying on top of him, and snuggled up close to him. Instead I was laying on a pillow, while I heard his voice echo through the room. Wrapping a blanket around me, I tip toed downstairs to see the commotion.

Walking into the kitchen, I was shocked with what I had saw. Grayson was cooking over the stove, shirtless might I add, with a girl sitting at the kitchen table. She had long blonde hair, and blue eyes. She had a few freckles here and there on her face, but other than that she was pretty. She had curves on her body, and that made me look down at my not so curvy body.

Was this his girlfriend?

I cleared my throat to make it known that I was standing here. Grayson's head turned quickly, and a smile lit up on his face. He took whatever he was cooking off of the stove, and made his way over to me.

"Goodmorning my love." He said, as he enveloped me into a soft hug.

"Goodmorning.. Who's she?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder to take another look at her.

"She's a childhood friend. Her name's Olivia." He said quietly.


"Come and sit. I made breakfast." He said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the table. Sitting my plate down on the table, he pulled a chair and sat beside me as we all ate in an awkward silence.

I decided to break it.

"Hey, I'm Avalon." I said, holding out my hand so that she could shake it.

She smiled a dazzling smile and reached out to shake my hand.

"I'm Olivia. Nice to meet you."

"So, where are you from?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"I'm from New York. It's very chilly over there, but it all pays off in the winter. There's so much snow and everyone has their Christmas lights on and everyone seems to be so happy. It just brightens up my day when I walk outside." She said, making hand motions every time she said a word.

"That's amazing." I said, as I stuffed a piece of bacon in my mouth and literally moaned at the taste.

"I know. I'm an amazing cook." Grayson said, smiling towards me.

"Your ego is bigger than your head, mister. Take it down a notch." I said.

"Why don't you make me, Miss Greene?"

"You don't want to face the wrath of my awesome superior cooking skills." I said, winking at him.

"Oh really? Let's make a deal. We're both going to bake a cake and see which one tastes the best. The loser has to jump naked in the pool." He said, and I smirked.

"Prepare to jump bud." I laughed, as I finished the remaining food on my plate.

"First, I'm going to take a shower. I'll leave you to wash the dishes since I cooked. I'll be back." He said, and placed a lingering kiss on my cheek.

He jogged up the stairs and I soon heard the water running in the shower.

Walking over to the sink, I started to run the hot water for the dishes when I heard a small cough.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you were in here." I said.

"So.. are you two a couple?" She asked.

"No, we aren't. He's my best friend, though. He's always there for me whenever I need him." I said, rinsing off a plate I had just washed.

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