Chapter 8

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Avalon's pov

"Hush little Lonnie, don't you cry. Liam's gonna sing you a lullaby. Every time you try to get away, I'll lock you up in the house for days. I'll cut on your legs, and leave scars on your arms. And it's only because I wish you no harm. Don't try to get away! You belong with me.. And if you ever try again?" He let out a loud chuckle.

"I'll be the last thing you ever see."

I sat there, rocking back and forth with my head buried in my hands and my legs pulled up to my chest. The taunting song rang over and over in my head, and I sighed loudly. Sobs escaped my mouth and I cried out loudly.

"Let me go! Please Liam.. Let me go!" Screams rang out through the room, and I heard him chuckling. I could hear him and the mocking words that he had spoken to me.

"I'm gonna get you, Lonnie."

"You're never going to escape me, Lonnie bear."

"Lonnie! Come out, come out wherever you are!"

"Lonnie! You're mine."

"I'll brand you if you don't come here."

"If you try to escape? I'll kill your parents."

"I'll cut your delicate skin, one cut by another and pour the sweet liquid of alcohol and peroxide in them to let them burn in agonizing pain. I'll lock you in the play room and bind your chains together, and let you suffer with no food or water. You'll stay in there for a week and you'll be let out to have a gigantic feast. When you've eaten and you're full, I'll lock you back in the room with the bindings of the chains holding you back, and you'll start the process all over again my little Lonnie. Is that what you really want?"

"Lonnie? I love you."


I woke up gasping for air and sweat soaking my hair and clothes. My chest heaved slowly, as I got up from the bed. Walking into the bathroom, I remembered the scene that had happened only last night.

Pretend it never happened.

A soft sigh left my lips. I peeled out of the sticky pjs I was wearing, and stepped into the shower. Tying up my hair, I turned the knob so that the hot water turned on. Turning the cold knob only a little, I grabbed my strawberry scented body wash and lathered my body down in the luscious soap. After rinsing the soap off, I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped out of the shower. I dried myself off and slipped on my lace undies and bra, and walked to my closet.

I grabbed my black long sleeved shirt with a dip in the neck, a pair of blue jean shorts, and my black studded bootie heels. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and smeared on my signature red lipstick. Brushing on light coats of mascara, I stepped back into the full body mirror to look at myself.


Walking downstairs, I walked into the kitchen only to find Grayson sitting at the table. I sighed, and walked towards the fridge. Opening it, I found a granola bar and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I could feel his eyes on me as I ate my mini breakfast. After I got done, I quickly threw away my trash and made my way to school.

Grayson's pov

I knew that she could feel me staring at her from the way that she was squirming. After she had left, I made sure she was gone before I had left behind her.

When I made it up to the school, I saw Matthew sitting at one of the benches smoking. I made my way up to him as he looked at me.

"What's up?" He said casually, as he followed me into the main hall.

"I kissed her." I said back just as casually as he did, and he looked at me expectantly.

By now, we were already leaning against one of the lockers and smoking.

"And?" He said.

"I told her it was a mistake."

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"What the hell Matt?" I said, as I punched him in the arm.

"What the fuck was that for?" He said, holding his arm where I had punched him.

"For punching me in the gut you, ding dong."

"Why'd you tell her it was a mistake?"

"I didn't mean too. It just slipped out. Besides, what if Rancho found out I kissed her? Let alone the fact that she's staying with me. He's go after her, and I wouldn't dare let him get close enough so that he could throw a frisbee at her." I sighed, taking the cigarette he had and taking it into my mouth.

A large swirl of smoke came from my mouth as I released it.

"Yeah, but I know you like her bro. You're always staring at her and talking about her. It's like your addicted."

"She hasn't even been around that long." I argued.

"Exactly. You're whipped."

"You like her."

"I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You don't."

"I do. Wait-"

"Gotcha!" He laughed, as he threw his head back.

"You're so mature." I said, sarcastically.

"Right I am. Now fix this." Matthew said, kicking his leg back and walking away.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

I've gotta fix this.


It was the end of the day. I had just made it home, and I could smell the sweet aroma of chocolate chips and the sound of Chris Brown in the background.

Walking into the kitchen, I saw Avalon mixing something in the mixing bowl. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She tensed at my touch.

"Hey Avalon.." I murmured, and placed a kiss on her neck. She shivered at the touch, and tried to wiggle out of my grasp. Turning her around, I pressed her against the counter.

"Look Avalon, please just hear me out. I didn't mean to say I didn't mean the kiss. It just slipped out. I just don't want you to get hurt in the end because of me, Okay? I swear I didn't mean it." I said, pleading her to forgive me.

"I don't want to hear your excuses." She said, her eyes clouding up with tears.

My heart clenched.

"Avalon, don't. Please, don't cry. Please baby, don't."

A tear leaked down her cheek.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I fucking made you cry because of something completely idiotic and stupid that I said that wasn't true. Avalon I am so so sorry that I told you I didn't mean it because I did. And I'm sorry that I made you cry because this was never my intention. Fuck, I'm sorry." I said.. She wiped her tear stained cheeks.

"It's fine."

I didn't know what to do to make it up to her.

So, I did what any other guy would do in my place.

I kissed her.


Hey Yu Guys! Thank Yu So Much For All The Support That You've Given Me. How'd Yu Like This One? Pleaseee Don't Be Shy!



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