Chapter 3

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Avalon's pov

I was currently putting on my new attire for school today. Yay! Note the sarcasm. I chose to wear a light ruffled black skirt, a white crop top, and a black jean jacket along with it. Instead of wearing the disgustingly ugly black pumps that my mom got me, no offense to my mom, I wore my black flats. I put on a simple coat of mascara, and my signature blood red lipstick once again.

Satisfied with my look, I grabbed my purse and my phone, and walked downstairs. I grabbed a granola bar, and bit into it, looking around for my father. He suddenly came downstairs with a pair of sweats on, and a t-shirt. He looked at me, and smiled. Walking over to me, he kissed my forehead.

"Good morning, Avalon. Hope you had a good nights rest. Here are the directions to school, and if you need anything just call me." He said, nodding his head. I nodded and returned a small smile. He grinned, and walked into the kitchen, as I made my way out of the door. Swinging my leg onto the side of my motorcycle, I revved the engine, and put my helmet on. Revving the engine, I speeded off to school.


It didn't take long for me to get to the giant school. I mean, it's not hat hard to miss. It was a brickworks school, with oak trees on the canvas, surrounding the back of the school. No wonder they call it Oakley High. Speaking of Oakley High, the name of the school was sitting high on the front, in big bold white lettering. Oh well. Everyone was strewn out in groups all over the schools. They had your typical stereotypes; jocks and cheerleaders, nerds, geeks, emos, outcasts, you name it.

Taking off my helmet, I ran my fingers through my dark chocolate brown hair, and sat the helmet on the top of the bike, making sure it didn't fall off. Turning around, I smirked when I saw everyone staring at me and my bike in awe. The guys giving me lustful stares, the girls looking at me in envy and pure hatred. I don't even know you girls, and you already hate me.

I already have fans.

Walking through the sidewalk in the middle of the school, I rolled my eyes as some of the jocks gave me wolf whistles.


I was almost to the doors of the school, when a cheerleader hopped in front of me.

"Who are you, and who do you think you are walking like you own the place?" She scoffed, and crossed her arms.

"Ah." I chuckled. "I think I'm Avalon Green, by the way. Now can you get out of my way?" I said, and pushed her out of the way. I continued walking only for her to step in my way again.

"Who do you think you're talking too, skank?"

"I'm talking to you. And sweetie, I think you had mistaken yourself for the skank." I said, smiling sweetly, and pushing her out of my way once more. I heard her huff behind me, and the clacking of heels slowly disappeared. Smirking, I made my way into the school doors. I mindlessly wandered through the halls, until I had finally found the office. I sighed in content, and walked into the office. The secretary was on the phone, talking to someone about how big something was..


"Excuse me." I said, politely.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes, holding her finger up to signal me to wait. I immediately grew annoyed.

"Excuse me." I tried once again, a little more fiercer than before. She looked at me once more, and rolled her eyes. I got fed up. I walked behind the counter, and snatched the phone out of her hand, harshly placing it down on its hook. I looked back up at her with a menacing look, and she looked at me in realization.

"Y-You're Miss G-Green? I'm so s-sorry for the mishap. It won't happen a-again." She said, as she shook. Her hands trembled as she reached for my schedule, and handed it to me. I smiled at her, a sickly sweet smile.

"Thank you.." I said, leaning down looking at her name tag. "Brenda."

I walked from behind the counter and out of the office, just as I heard her release a breath. Chuckling to myself, I looked down at my schedule.

Avalon Green- Oakley High Student

AP Mathematics- Room 216
Physical Science- Room 126
AP History- Room 231
AP Geography- Room 312
Physical Education
Free Period

I sighed.. Why the fuck do I get math first? Do you hate me Math Lords? Whyyyy!? Ohh The Irony. Yes. I am weird. I walked down the hall until I found the first room. Barging in, I looked around, and the teacher caught my eye. He looked at me in annoyance.

"Glad you decided to come in late. Name?"

"Avalon Green." I said, and his face turned pale.

"Care to introduce yourself Miss Green?" He said, stumbling over his words.

I nodded.

"Sure." I smirked, turning towards the class. "I am Avalon Green. I'm 17 years old, and this is 12th school I've been too in a year." I said, smiling sickly sweet.

"What are the other school's you've been too?" A red headed boy yelled out, shooting his hand up in the air.

"Well you have Declan High, Ocean Moon High, Seattle Banks, Georgiana High, Ridgewood High, Casey Banks, Lank Village, Greenville Era, Pope Dylan's Boarding School, BridgeWood Boarding School, and Prestige Boarding School." I said, nodding my head to no one in particular.

"How in the hell did you get kicked out of Prestige Boarding School?" A blonde girl asked.

"I set a girl's hair on fire." I said, smiling.

"Damn girl. You've got guts. Let me come and tap that, eh?" A blonde boy yelled out.

"How about I come and 'tap' some sense into your head with my fists, yeah?" I said, and he replied back out with a just kidding. I chuckled.

"Anything else?" I asked, and everyone shook their heads.

"Miss Green, please take a seat beside Mr.Henderson." The teacher said, directing his finger to the black haired hunk from yesterday.

"Fuck." I groaned, and made my way too the seat. Sticking in my headphones, Drake blasted through them.


I was roughly shaken awake by rough and calloused hands. Squinting from the bright lights, I adjusted my eyes to my surrounding and sat up. Everyone was moving out of class. I guess the bell must've rung. Turning to the side to see who was shaking me, I saw the one and only Grayson Henderson.

"No thanks for waking you up?" He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. He followed me into hallway, and walked beside me.

"Thanks for waking me up, Grayson." I said, as I continued to walk. Catching up with me, he put his arm around my shoulder, and I shrugged it off.

"Aww, that hurt babe." He said mockingly, and feigned hurt.

"Whatever." I said, and continued walking. This time when he put his arm around my shoulder, I didn't bother taking it off. He takes to much of my energy up..

You dirty minded little people..

"So what do you have next, babe?" He asked, taking my schedule.

"I'm not your babe Grayson." I said, snatching my schedule back.

"Oh, but you will be." He said, and pushed me up against the wall. He nibbled on my earlobe slightly, and I had to suppress a slight moan. And then in a flash, he disappeared.

What the hell?!

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