Chapter One: Destined for Greater Things

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"You get back here boy and do your work; you won't make it anywhere in Witzend!" A rather tall and lanky older gentleman had stepped out from the wooden frame leading into the old worn down and faded red barn; voice booming rather angrily. Off in the distance on a dirt pathway leading up to a hill stood Ilosovic Stayne. He had paused when he heard his fathers comment on making it nowhere, but Ilosovic knew better than that. The young boy was hopeful, had a feeling he was meant for greater and better things; instead of being a farm hand the rest of his life. He believed he deserved better. Like his folks always told him, you have to work in order to survive. And that was exactly what the young boy was doing. He didn't think he would survive out here in the middle of the Outlands. The only people who lived out here were the ones who were banished out and the poor; even then they were all spread out because no one trusted each other. It was hostile out in the Outlands.

Stayne had lifted his head up, his determination set ahead of him. He glanced up to the wooden arrow post with the word Witzend painted in white on it, giving a nod. He tightened his hold on the medium sized potato sack that he was carrying his possessions in, slinging it over his shoulder and started to walk off away from his families farm; trekking through the Outlands to Witzend.

-Two Weeks Later-

Ilosovic's back was pressed up against a brick wall, hiding in the shadows down one of the alleyways in Witzend. In one hand was the potato sack containing his valuables, the other was holding a freshly made loaf of bread. His eyes scanned the opening of the alleyway, watching as a couple knights run by. The boy had only been in Witzend for a week and he was already struggling to survive, living on the streets and alleyways. So stealing his food had become a regular thing for him.

A small, relieved sigh had escaped his lips, opening up his potato sack bag to place the loaf of bread in; quickly tying it up. He was going to save that for later. He straightened his posture and turned the corner to head back into the busy merchant streets of Witzend. A small smirk appeared on his lips, letting out a faint chuckle as a rather proud feeling came over himself that he had gotten away with his small little crime.

"Don't you know stealing is a crime here in Witzend boy, do look rather thin; I think that bread would do you good." A rather deep voice came from behind the tall young boy. The boy's eyes widened and he quickly spun around to face his accuser, his eyes shifting down to look at the knight standing before him dressed in pure white armor. The Knight was an older gentleman, though not too old; looking in his mid age. He had a very noble look to him, a brown but greying curled mustache adorned his face and he had a very humble look in his eyes.

"Boy you look like you've seen a ghost, come now I'm not going to tattle on your small inferior crime. Do you have a name?" The man questioned.

"Ilosovic...Ilosovic Stayne..." The boy muttered, giving the man in front of him a small nod. "Ilosovic Stayne of the Outlands." It was custom for an Underlander to state where they came from with their name, even if where they came from was looked down upon.

"Ilosovic of the Outlands, explains the stealing. How old are you boy, you look young?"

"Eighteen....Turned a month ago." Stayne replied.

"Eighteen years of age and look at the size of you. How tall are you?"

The Knave had to admit he was a little taken back by this, he would of thought by now this knight would of cuffed him for stealing that loaf of bread; trick him into thinking he could trust him. But something also told Stayne that this knight standing before him would help him in the long run, he had that feeling.

"I'm seven foot six inches...Though I think I should be the one to ask a question. What's your name? How do I know I could trust you that you won't turn me in huh? You seem to be asking me a lot of questions." Stayne shot back, a defensive tone in his voice.

The White Knight let out a rather hearty chuckle, placing his gauntlet hand over the pommel of his vorpal sword. "Sir Thomas Lazurus...White Knight to King Oleron and Queen Elsemere, at your service. I'm head in command of their armed forces." The knight gave a small bow of his head before straightening his posture again.

Ilosovic's brow raised a little when he listened to the title the man before him had, seeing he was of great importance. There was almost a spark of optimism in his eyes.

"Ah...there it is, I caught your interest didn't I? I was quite impressed by the way you lost those knights back there, how quick and agile you were. You have quite the makings to be a knight." He paused, seeing how Stayne instantly became even more attentive. "You know I'm looking for an apprentice, someone to take my title after my passing. I see potential in you Ilosovic, more potential than stealing bread from a baker merchant." Another chuckle had escaped the knights lips. "Walk with me." Thomas had turned on his heal, starting to walk off through the merchant crowded street.

It took Ilosovic a moment to process what he had said, but when he finally came to; he sought this as a way for better in his life and he wanted to take advantage of it. So the young boy quickly walked after the Knight, keeping a steady pace next to the man. "So, what do I have to do to become a knight?" He had seemed to perk up a little, a hopefulness in him.

"Well....You'd have to take a code of knighthood. Dedicate your life to it. And you would have to train, under my wing everyday for hours at a time. Becoming a Knight is not an easy task, but I feel like you have potential. Think of it as a chance to change your life for the better."

The two of them turned the corner and into the main courtyard of Witzends village, walking past the statue of King Oleron in the center of the square. The royal castle was right in front of them. Ilosovic paused as he stared up at the castle, his heart racing; this was exactly what he wanted in his life, what he felt was his purpose. He looked down at the knight next to him, unsure of himself on what to say.

"So my boy, are you in? Are you willing to dedicate your life to knighthood?" The Knight motioned his hand to the front gate of the castle. Thomas did see a lot of potential in this boy and he didn't want to let that slip from his grasp.

"I'm in..." Ilosovic nodded, turning to the gate and walked through the two large wooden double doors of the castle of Witzend with his now mentor. 

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