Chapter Five: Midnight Meeting

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Midnight finally had approached and Ilosovic had snuck out of the Knights quarters, sneaking through the shadows of the hallways and outside to the court yard. Mirana had told him to be on her balcony at midnight and it was getting to be a quarter to twelve. The Knave turned the corner and headed down a pathway into the gardens, his eyes shifting up to look at the balcony above him. Mirana's balcony, a balcony he had visited many times in the past year.

His eyes shifted over to the brick wall in front of him, letting out a faint sigh. The wall had a few missing brick and a some vines growing up the side, enough for him to be able to climb it. He stepped forward and gripped onto the wall, placing his footing carefully before he started scaling the wall. It didn't take him too long due to his rather long body form, it was easy for him to be able to reach hire and push off with his feet. His hand finally reached up and took a hold of the one of the small beams of the balcony and hoisted himself over, rolling over onto the side and onto the tile of the balcony.

Ilosovic slowly stood up, dusting himself off. He looked rather nice, wanting to keep it that way; always making it a point to look well clean and kept for Mirana every time he visited her at the late hour. A black poets shirt with the same color of laced up pants accompanied his look, with his hair nicely combed and he smelt rather clean; having made it a point to bathe after dinner. He took a step into her chambers and looked around, until his eyes landed upon the Princess who was sitting at her vanity across the way in her nightgown, brushing out her long platinum white hair. Her eyes had shifted up when she heard the entrance, seeing his figure in the reflection of her mirror. A instant smile appeared on her lips and she placed her brush down, standing from her chair and turned to him; quickly gliding over to him holding her hands in the air until they connected up to his face for a moment before she wrapped her arms around his neck as best as she could. Stayne had to lean down just a little, wrapping his long arms around her waist to pull her closer and lifted her off her feet just barley in their embrace before he set her back down and they both had let go of each other.

"My dear knight in shinning armor...Always on time." She muttered, her hand still gently placed onto his cheek. "I was worried you weren't going to come, you seemed rather in thought tonight at the dinner hall. Something is troubling you, what is it?" She questioned, her voice quiet; concerning.

Stayne kept his eyes down on her, his cheek leaning against her hand. He couldn't tell her what his mentor had told him earlier that day, he didn't want to worry her with thoughts like such; doubt their secret meetings and encounters. "Nothing, Princess...nothing to trouble yourself on. I'm fine, I couldn't pass up a night seeing you. So I left my troubles behind..." He muttered, his hand slowly raising to place on her cheek in return, his thumb grazing over her chin ever so lightly which made Mirana's eyes flutter close for a split second. He was so careful with her, so gentle. He was her weakness.

"Mirana...I love you." He muttered, his eyes looking down into hers.

The Princess's eyes widened just faintly, feeling her heart starting to pick up. He had never said it, and neither had she. But it was true, she felt the same for the knight standing in front of her. And she knew she couldn't, she knew better than this. But the man in front of her made her melt, made her heart race and feel things she never experienced before.

"I love you too Ilosovic...I do." She replied back, voice barley above a whisper.

A smile appeared on the knights lips as he heard her. This moment, was his second favorite moment in his life; having not thought twice on it. The knight quickly leaned down and captured her lips against his, kissing her with all the passion he had in him for her. It caught Mirana off guard but she instantly melted into the kiss; her hand moving from her cheek to wrap her arms around his neck as best as she could. He didn't miss a beat, moving his free hand to her waist and around, lifting her up off her feet and pressed her closer to him.

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