Chapter Nine: Fallen to Revenge

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The Jabberwock ascended into the sky maneuvering himself around the castle. The people bellow that were still up at the hour were gasping and becoming frantic about the terrifying beast, quickly running inside to warn others. The castle was on high alert now. He made his way to a rather large balcony on the tallest tower of the castle, the King & Queen's chambers and hovered near the side; raising the claw holding Ilosovic up so he could jump off and land on the stone balcony on his feet.

The King had retired to his room for the evening, exhausted by the nights events; needing to calm his mind from the madness starting to boil up inside him. He had heard the commotion going on outside, quickly walking over to his balcony to see what was going on until he saw the ferocious beast. He wasn't' more taken by surprise by the monster, but more so surprised by the fact that his daughter Iracebeth was ridding it. Along with the knight he had just striped his title of. The King's brow narrowed, taking steps back as Ilosovic took some steps forward toward the King; a murderous look in his eye.

"Iracebeth! What are you doing! Why is this backslider with you! What is going on?" His voice boomed, still holding a rather strong font but there was a slight nervousness to his tone; specially with the Jabberwocky hovering next to his balcony.

"Oh Daddy....don't you see. Your time is up. This all could of been prevented if you only just handed me the throne like planned, instead of handing it off to my measly weak sister." Iracebeth called over.

"Is this what this is all about! Iracebeth stop being so childish!" He shouted to her though his eyes were trained on Stayne, who was only slowly walking closer to the King. Stayne had paused, looking over to a rack placed on the wall that held a few swords; placed there in defense for the king in case an emergency came up. But since the King was far from the reach of a sword, Ilosovic reached his hand out and grabbed one of the blade by the grip, holding it firmly in his hand as he continued drawing closer to the king. Oleron slowly raised his hands up in defense, his eyes glancing between Stayne and Iraacebeth; starting to become panicked.

"Childish! Childish!" Iracebeth shouted, letting out a rather loud and almost insanely malicious laugh. "Oh please...this is anything but childish father. You would of never let me have the crown! It was always going to go to Mi'wana! I never had a chance compared to little miss innocent! You never loved me! You never gave me a chance! All you did was let the people of Witzend make a mockery out of me that day, you let them laugh at me! And I was unfit to be the Queen because I was different? Because I was made fun of? No! I wouldn't have it! I studied days on end, I dedicated my whole life for that crown! But I was never good enough for you and mummy! You were just waiting for the chance to hand the throne down at the right moment. But guess what father! I will be Queen one day! I just need to get rid of you to do so! Goodbye father...Stayne. Kill him!" She ordered, pointing her boney little finger to the King.

Stayne held up the sword, drawing closer and closer to Oleron who was trying his best to back up as far as he could from him until his back hit against a wall. He was trapped, there was no hope for him. Ilosovic quickly thrusted the sword forward without a second thought, digging the blade deep into the King's chest. Not moments later the doors of the king's chamber had been burst open. "Father! A dragon has breached Witzend!" A terrified Mirana's voice echoed through the room, her eyes darting around quickly for her father. When they landed upon the sight before her, seeing her once lover digging a swords blade into her fathers chest; her eyes widened and she let out a high pitched scream, bringing her hands up to her mouth. Stayne's furry had been stopped as soon as he heard the scream, his attention turning to look at the girl who ran into the room. His eyes widened, grasp loosening on the grip of the sword. "Mirana..." He gasped, his eye quickly looking back at her father in front of him.

The King's clothing around his chest was slowly becoming red, a pool of blood dripping down from him and onto the floor. He was growing paler by the second, a gurgling sound coming from his lips as his eyes slowly rolled back. The King was dead.

Stayne let go of the sword in his hand, seeing it had pinned straight through the King Oleron and into the wall, keeping the man standing up against the wall. He took a few steps back, before turning on his heal to head back to the balcony before he was caught; a dainty pale hand gripping onto his arm. "Stayne! How could you! You killed him! You...Your a monster!" Mirana cried out, tears falling down her cheeks as she stared up at the man she once loved; tugging on his arm. Stayne quickly pulled his arm away from her, spinning around quickly to face her. He placed his hand firmly against her chest and shoved her back, catching the Princess off guard and she stumbled back; falling and landing onto her rear. A terrified look came across her features as she stared up at him, in pure shock. "Ilosovic..." She breathed out. .

Stayne paused and slowly knelt down in front of Mirana, his face getting into hers. She quickly looked away from him, seeing the damage to his face fully for the first time; since she ran out of the throne room while it was happening. A scoff escaped his lips, his brow narrowing to her as his good eye darted in between both of hers. "You can't even look at me...A monster is what I am, and a monster is what I shall be. It's better to be feared than loved Mirana...and you certainly proven to me that love makes a man foolish and weak. " He spat, quickly pulling away from her as he turned on his heal and walked back to the balcony.

The Jabberwocky let out another screech as he held out his claw to Stayne, who quickly stepped over the ledge of the balcony and placed himself into the beasts claw, holding tightly on to the scaly beasts arm. Knights quickly rushed in as the beast flapped its wings, maneuvering away from the balcony and took off; flying into the night sky. Sir Thomas, the White Knight had quickly ran into the room just as Iracebeth and Ilosovic took off, his eyes quickly scanning around the room until he spotted the King, pinned against the wall. His eyes widened and then fell to the crying girl on the floor, quickly going to her side as he knelt down next to her and wrapped his arms around her; hugging her close to him. She quickly gripped onto him crying into his shoulder for a moment before she slowly pulled herself away from him and started to stand herself up. Thomas watched as she picked herself up, holding his hand out to her in case she needed assistance. "Your Majesty?" He questioned, referring to her now as exactly what she was too be.

Mirana stared straight ahead of her, time seeming to slow down in her eyes for what seemed like an eternity. There was no more time for tears, no more time for heartache or pain. There was no more time for being weak. As of this moment within her fathers passing, the throne was now handed down to her.

As of this moment. Mirana was the Queen of Underland....

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