Chapter Seventeen: Stabbed

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It had been two weeks since Frabjous day, two weeks since Ilosovic and Iracebeth had been banished out to the Outlands.

The two of them were taken out to the furthest part of the Outlands, past where Ilosovic use to live as a child, past all the other Outlanders that were banished for their own reasons, past everyone. The only other person out there was a rook knight that had a post in the Outlands to watch over that land; who,Mirana had ordered to watch over Iracebeth and Stayne. To make sure they were at least fed and had restroom breaks away from being locked up. She didn't see it as having a friend, keeping her order as promised; but more as assistance to keep them alive as long as she could.

So there they sat, Stayne and Iracebeth chained up to two chairs sitting next to each other.

Iracebeth seemed to be doing just fine, though she was constantly shouting and screaming for the knight in charge.

Ilosovic on the other hand, was slumped over in his chair; sitting silently. It was almost as if he had loss the motivation to live, to even try to survive. He had lost his appetite, refusing to eat the meals given to him. He refused to sleep, having his heart too heavy to be able too. The only offer he took was the occasional restroom break. Stayne didn't fear death anymore, he begged it to come to him. He didn't want to waste out here any longer. Ilosovic Stayne, had no will to live.

The rook knight rode up on his horse and stopped a few feet away from the two, sliding off his horse and onto his feet "Alright you two...bathroom break and dinner" He called over as he started to walk up to them. The post from where the two were locked up wasn't that far off.

He walked over to Iracebeth and pulled the keys from his belt before he paused and took a step back. "I almost forgot..." He turned away from Iracebeth who let out a huff in protest as she watched the rook walk back over to his horse who went to one of the satchels that was attached to the saddle and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He then turned back to the two and walked over, opening the paper and glanced over to Ilosovic who was only starring into space.

The rook cleared his throat and began. "My dearest Ilosovic Stayne...." He paused, the knight waiting for a reaction from the slummed over man. Stayne's brow furrowed together as he heard him, his eye slowly raising from the ground to look over at him.

"What is this madness!" Iracebeth shouted, squirming in her chair as he eyes darted from Ilosovic to the rook.

"Silence!" The rook shouted over to her, which made Iracebeth gasp; offended by him.

The rook looked back over to to Ilosovic as he saw that he had gotten his attention, and then looked back down at the letter in his hand. Though the knight looked rather uncomfortable to openly read this letter, he had orders too.

"My dearest Ilosovic Stayne...It has taken long thought, the last two weeks since I had banished both you and my sister out to the Outlands. Though my heart was heavy as I placed these orders on you both, my heart broke hearing your pleads to end your life. So as I write this letter to you, I would like to let you know that I have thought long and hard about our past and for your future. Though I know my apology won't mean much to you, I do apologize for not speaking up all those years ago; for not stopping my father in what he did to you. I was heartbroken. Heartbroken from the fact that I saw you nearly weeks before kissing my sister in the hallway after my mother had died. My head was not in the right headspace, I didn't know the circumstance and I didn't give you a chance to explain. I realized your actions, the unspeakable and cruel deeds you have carried out all these years were in revenge; that my sister had foolishly fed lies and power to you in attempts for revenge against me. And I apologize Ilosovic with a heavy heart, that I didn't stand up for you; that I ran away. You didn't deserve what my father did to you. You didn't deserve having your title revoked. You didn't deserve any of the pain you had went through. And I apologize. With that said, I here by offer the chance of redemption. I wish for you to travel back to Marmoreal and serve under my court with a watchful eye to change and become a better person. I still have faith in you Ilosovic, I still care for you. And I offer a chance of redemption is attempts for your forgiveness. As for my sister, I am sad to stay she will still stay in the Outlands. Though I do wish to repair bridges with her one day, I know she was the one who planned everything. I realized she was the cause of my mothers death, the one to tell my father about us, and the one who fooled and lied to you to carry out every cruel deed. My people still shake in fear with the thought of her near; so with a heavy heart, she must stay in the outlands until my people are ready for her presence. I will be waiting your arrival. With love, Queen Mirana." The rook stopped and turned back to his horse, placing the note back in the satchel before he walked back to Iracebeth's chair.

"What! She wants you?" She shouted, her eyes shooting a glare to the Knave. "She's giving you a redemption? But not me? Her own sister!" She screamed, her face growing red with anger. "How dare she!" She struggled against her chains.

"Stop moving or you will not be released for your bathroom break!" The rook ordered, removing the keys from his belt and placed one into the lock that held the chain around Iracebeth, slowly removing it. He reached out and grabbed Iracebeth's arm rather hard, tugging her out of her chair.

Ilosovic's heart started to beat faster as he heard the news, a glow coming off his features from the hope that was starting to come back to him. A small smile placed onto his hollowed out face from the lack of nutrition and motivation; slowly sitting up a little more. She still cared about him, Mirana wanted to give him a chance for redemption.

"This is not fair!" Iracebeth shouted to the top of her lungs as the Knight started to tug her along with him to a bush nearby so she could use the restroom. But Iracebeth retaliated and quickly shoved her hands against the Knights chest, catching him off guard and stumble back; letting go of his grasp on her. Iracebeth then quickly reached down and hiked up her dress, pulling out a dagger from a holster that was secured around her thigh that she had been hiding for the last two weeks incase she needed it. And this was that moment.

Iracebeth quickly lunged forward and swung the daggers blade up at the knight, the blade slicing through his neck. Blood squirted out from the open wound, the knight quickly grabbing at his neck in attempts to stop the bleeding but that did nothing and he had fell to his knees and then buckled over; dead from loss of blood.

Ilosovic's eye shifted up when he heard the commotion, seeing the knight buckle to the ground and the pool of blood surrounding him. A panic started to rise in his chest as he weakly started to struggle against his chains, seeing Iracebeth had broken free.

A glare set in Iracebeth's eyes as she slowly turned around and faced Ilosovic, slowly walking up to him as she held the dagger tight in her hand.

"You will not leave me! You will not leave me for her! If I can't have you, no one can!" She shouted. "Your right Stayne, it is far better to be feared than loved! And you...never did." Iracebeth then ran forward with the dagger held out in front of her and thrusted the blade into Stayne's chest; piercing through his leather armor and into his skin.

Stayne's eyes widened as he felt the sharp blade penetrate his chest, letting out a gasp of breath. He stared at her wide eyed for a moment, his body starting to shake as he let out a small cough; blood starting to pour down his lip.

Iracebeth backed up, a wicked look on her features as she slowly turned around and went back to the dead knight; reaching down as she picked up the ring of keys and started to unlock her restraints fully from her; freeing her. She then quickly grabbed the knights sword in case she needed it and headed over to the horse; hoisting herself up on it and glanced back at Ilosovic. She tilted her head up and let out a loud maniacal laugh as she pulled on the reins, the horse galloping off from the scene to find the knights post for her own survival.


So this was what is came down too. Ilosovic sat there, starring off at where Iracebeth had ran disappeared too as he felt the blade still in his chest. He continued coughing up blood, his body shaking a little harder. He was dying. Ilosovic Stayne was near his death. He felt like his life was flashing before his eyes, every memory, every wronging, every deed he had carried out. But the most important memories where the ones that stood out the most. Stayne wasn't happy with where his life had ended up, wasn't happy with the outcome. He was so close to the path of redemption, but Iracebeth had took that away. And here he was, sitting here....dying.

A single tear had escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek as his head slowly rolled to the side, feeling his breathing becoming shallow. His body slowly grew cold as he took his final breaths, his lips slowly opening to speak.

"Mirana...forgive me..." He breathed out, barley audible as he spoke his last words. His movement became still and his eyes had set, becoming lifeless.

Ilosovic Stayne, The Knave of Hearts...had died. 

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