Chapter Sixteen: Frabjous Day

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"Alright...pull yourself together..." Ilosovic breathed out. There he was, the Knave of Hearts decked out in his all black armor. He was standing in the armory, sharpening and polishing his sword in preparation for the war at hand later today.

It was Frabjous Day. The day had finally came and the Knave was prepping himself for battle, more so prepping him mentally for battle. He had really low hopes that Iracbeth's army was going to win, that she would still hold the crown. He was trying his best to not let that idea get to him, but as with the recent events; hopes were starting to dwindle. And his main concern for the war ahead was to keep himself alive long enough for Mirana to regain the throne; and to speak with her about a pathway for redemption.

Redemption. That was what Ilosovic Stayne wanted.

He wanted a second chance, another chance to set his path and his life back on track; to change for the better. He didn't like who he had became, he hated the monster he was. He was a monster, a disgusting and cruel monster. He had done things that he couldn't take back, acted upon orders that would condemn him to death. But he only had held a small glint of hope that Mirana would sympathize for him and give him another chance. If not for love, for self worth.

Stayne lifted his sword and placed it into the holster next to his side, straightening out his armor and gave a nod, letting out a heavy breath.

But for now, he must fight. Not for Iracebeth, not for Mirana; but for himself. He must fight to keep himself alive till the end of the battle, until Alice kills the Jabberwocky.

Ilosovic was ready for battle. He turned on his heal and walked out of the armory, quickly heading down the hall and outside to the stables to grab his horse to join the rest of the army and her majesty to head out for war.


Ilosovic had quickly raised his sword over his head and swung it down quickly, the blade crashing down against the blade Tarrant Hightop was using. The war had broken out and the Knave was in the middle of a fight with the Hatter. He circled his blade around his and quickly stepped back before thrusting the blade forward to the man, only to have his block be deflected and the two blades quickly raised up; holding against each other. Stayne was trying to overpower Tarrant's hold, his eye glaring into Tarrant's eyes. Tarrant glanced over to the pin cushion on his hand and quickly picked up one of the pins sitting in it with his free hand, quickly turning it and jabbed it into Stayne's good eye. Stayne quickly dropped his sword and let out a painful grunt and quickly covered his eye with his hand. Luckily Tarrant didn't cause any real damage, he only pricked the crease of his lid; but it had threw Stayne off guard and now he was weaponless. Tarrant quickly swipped his foot and hit at Ilosovic's leg, causing him to stumble and fall flat on his back. Stayne quickly looked up to Tarrant and slowly raised his hands from where he laid as the hatter drew near. Tarrant raised his sword as he got closer to Ilosovic, ready to strike down into Stayne's chest.

This was it. This would be the end, and fear was rather visible in Stayne's eye as he looked up at the clearly mad man.

"Off with your head!" A shout coming from Alice echoed through the battle field as the last roar from the Jabberwocky was heard. Everything seemed to be put on pause, a rather eerie silence holding the sky. Stayne still had his eyes on Tarrant, who seemed to have had his madness faded and he quickly stepped back; dropping his sword. Stayne slowly turned his head back a little to be able to see what had happened; but it dawned on him instantly. Alice must have slain the Jabberwocky.

Ilosovic slowly turned onto his stomach and hoisted himself up onto his knees and then his feet, his hands dusting off his armor as his eye stayed trained on the decapitated Jabberwocky head a yard away from him. He slowly and hesitantly walked up to the scene but kept his distance. His eye darted around and watched as the Red Knights denounced their loyalties to the Iracebeth, watching them throw down their weapons. His eye widened when he saw the crown float off of Iracebeth's head and over to Mirana's, the color of the crown changing from gold to white.

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