Chapter Six: Queen Elsemere

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Sir Thomas and Ilosovic had quickly made their way up to the King and Queen's chambers, stopping outside of the door. Two knights were standing their on guard due to the events happening on the other side of the door. They both nodded to the other two and Sir Thomas pushed open the door slowly, slipping into the room and stood off to the side with Ilosovic close behind; being the one to shut the door behind him. King Oleron looked up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed when he heard the entrance. There was only a few in the room, a couple nurses and the doctor and a few advisors.

Draped over the side of the bed, holding onto her mothers hand was Mirana, weeping into the sheets. Her cries were the only noise being made in the room other than the occasional coughing from the Queen and the hushing of her to try and calm the youngest Princess. And off to the side, standing near the far wall was Iracebeth, starring straight ahead of her at her mother. She seemed to be trying her hardest to keep it together, an inner battle of still wanting to hold the hateful front she had built up against her parents and sister, but knowing that her mother was also dying was slowly tearing her down; fighting back the tears that were in the corner of her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks.

"Mirana..." Queen Elsemere finally spoke, her voice barley audible and rasped. She let out another cough, quickly bringing the blood stained handkerchief in her other hand to her mouth to catch the fallen blood that came from her cough. "Here your majesty, take another drink..." A maid spoke softly, coming up to the side of the bed holding a glass of water. The Queen nodded and used the maids assistance to take a sip before looking back to her youngest daughter. "Mirana..." She finally spoke again, her hand that Mirana was holding, squeezing it as tightly as she could; but the Queen was weak and pale, nearing death. Mirana looked up to her mother, tears falling down her pale cheeks. "I have hope for you, you are so kind, so brave, so beautiful....You will make a good Queen. I'll always love you Mirana." She whispered.

A small breath was in took by Iracebeth when her mother said those words, her eyes shifting down.

"Iracebeth..." The Queen faintly called over which made the large headed girl look up to her, a slight hope in her eyes. Elsemere stared over at her eldest daughter for a moment, letting out a faint sigh. "I only hoped the best for you...Maybe one day you'll understand. I only wish for you to be more like Mirana, more kindhearted. But you've only proved to me that you can't hold compassion. I hope one day you can." Those words made Iracebeth's heart sink, making her take a step back, speechless.

Queen Elsemere looked up to King Oleron, giving him one last faint smile before her features became still; giving out her last breath before her body became stiff.

The Queen had passed.

Mirana's eyes widened as she watched her mother slip away, letting out a mortified cry. A few of the servants gasped, quickly praying for the Queen's soul to rest peacefully. Iracebeth's eyes widened and she let out a sob, quickly storming out of the room in tears. King Oleron looked up when he heard Iracebeth, looking to Sir Thomas and Ilosovic. "One of you! Quickly go after my daughter! I want close watch of my daughters at all times now!" His voice boomed, his tone heartbroken yet stern; quickly moving around to his daughters side to pull her to him.

Sir Thomas looked at Ilosovic who's eyes were wide, in shock and worriment. "Boy, go. Make sure Princess Iracebeth is safe!" Sir Thomas ordered. Ilosovic looked to his mentor and then back to the crying Mirana. As much as he wanted to pull his love to him, condole her in this tragic time; he nodded and quickly turned to the door and exited into the hallway. His eyes scanned around and saw Iracebeth running down the hall, sobbing rather loudly. He let out a faint sigh and quickly chased after her.

Iracebeth ran down the halls and had stopped when she got to the throne room. Iracebeth had fell to her knees, placing her palms against her tear stained eyes as she let out sobs. Her mother only wished for her to be like Mirana, and she didn't even say she loved her. "No one will ever love me..." She muttered, and slowly pulled her face away from her hands; sniffling a little before holding her head up a lot more higher. "No. I don't feel wrong for what I did. She had to be the first to go." She muttered to herself, her hand reaching down into the crease of her bosom, pulling out a small vile. Poison.

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