Chapter Ten: Horvendush Day

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-Four Years Later-

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" A loud knock and a rather esstatic voice came shouting from the other side of the Queen's door. "Your Majesty! It's Horevendush day! And you must get ready! You must decide on what hat to wear!" Tarrant Hightop, knocked again on the chambers doors until one of the doors slowly opened and he came face to face with the Queen. A small breathy laugh escaped Mirana's lips as she stepped to the side to let the Hatter walk into her room; in which she did. "I told you time and time again my friend, I'm wearing my crown...It's rather important that I do you know, or the people wouldn't know I was Queen." She stated, her voice sounding very light and airy.

It had been four years since the day Mirana became Underland's new Queen. A lot had changed in Underland, specially in Witzend within her command. She had taken her vows as Queen rather seriously, one of them in which to never again harm any living creature; to her heart. In the four years she had been ruling as Queen, not one living creature had been harmed on her doing and was treated fairly if a crime was committed. She was trying her best to change herself for the better, become a happier more positive and light person. Things seemed to finally calm, she had finally managed to ease her mind with the pain that had been caused with the loss of her parents; as well as the heartbreak that was caused by her first love, and the betrayal of her sister.

Her sister. Not much word had been heard about Iracebeth, the last Mirana had saw of her; she was flying off with Ilosovic on some horrendous beast. After months of researching, she had learned of the beasts name and weaknesses; luckily she had a knight in her court that had the exact weapon to kill the creature if needed. She had heard rumors and speculations of her sister, but non of which she seemed to believe. She did miss her sister terribly, always holding a love for her no matter her rebellious streak.

"Your majesty?" Tarrant questioned, his hand waving a few inches away from her face. Mirana blinked, pulling herself away from her thoughts and she looked to Tarrant, giving him a reassuring small smile. "Ah, well...shall we head to the festive of the day? I hear music going on outside my window!" She exclaimed, clasping her hands together ever so lightly.


The streets of the Hightop Village were filled with joy and color. Citizens were dancing about, playing games, and chatting amongst each other as music was being played. In the middle of it all sat Mirana on top of her pure white steed, clapping her hands lightly together to the beat of the music with an overjoyed smile on her face. To her left stood Tarrant who was doing the same, his eyes watching as his fellow friends and his family danced about. To the right of Mirana stood Sir Thomas Lazurus, holding onto the reigns of the horse Mirana was sitting on top of; his other hand placed on top of the pommel of the Vorpal Sword sitting in its holster.

Horvendush Day was a day in which the Hightop Clan celebrated their existence and culture in their small village on the edge of Witzend. They invited anyone who wanted to join along in the festivities and Mirana was always one for this event; having Tarrant Hightop one of her closest and most trusted friends; specially in the last four years. Though Tarrant wasn't on full speaking terms with his father, Tarrant couldn't miss the opportunity of the yearly Horvendush day; it brought to much joy to him. Everything seemed calm and peaceful on this day, the sun was out, sky clear and the air was perfectly cool.

But a shadow started to overcast on Witzend, traveling onto the Hightop Village. Tarrant's brow furrowed together and he slowly turned around to see what was blocking the sun. A loud roaring screech was heard overhead, ringing through the Hightop Village streets as the Jabberwocky flew overhead. Sir Thomas quickly spun around when he heard the familiar roar of that terrible beast, quickly looking over to Tarrant. "Get the Queen out of here!" He shouted, shoving the reigns into Tarrant's hand.

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