Chapter Eight: Trading Sides

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Iracebeth made her way down to the dungeons before Stayne had arrived, hiding in the shadows of the open cell she knew they would put him in. The guards had came walking down the stairs, dragging Ilosovic behind him; his body dragging along the steps and the floor as they turned to the cell and tossed him inside. One of the guards walked over to Stayne's unconscious body and undid the cuffs that were still around his wrists before stepping out of the cell and closed the metal bars shut; locking them. Iracebeth was now locked in the cell with the unconscious once titled knight, but that was the least of her worries. She waited until the coast was clear until she stepped out from the shadows and looked down at the fallen knight.

Her eyes scanned around the cell and found the bowl of water and a cloth that was sitting on the cot that would be the prisoners bed, a requirement for the prisoners in Witzend until decided if they were to be set free on parol or to be sent to the Outlands. She walked over to the cot and picked up the cloth, dipping it into the water before she walked over to the slowly coming to senses Stayne and sat down next to him, gently lifting his head and laid it against the fluff of her dress over her leg. She then as careful as possible, dabbed at the blood on his face and the wound; trying to clean up as much of it as she could, hoping to stop the bleeding soon.

Ilosovic's right eye slowly started to open up, his vision blurry at first from falling unconscious to the excruciating amount of pain he felt while the King carved out his eye. He blinked, glancing around the room for a moment before he looked up, seeing Iracebeth's rather large head above him. His senses slowly started coming back, a wave of pain hitting his face as soon as he felt the next dab from the cloth, quickly intaking a hissing breath and he clenched his fists.

"Sorry..." Iracebeth muttered, lightly wiping the blood that had fallen to his chin and neck. She had managed to stop the bleeding for now. The wounds were deep, long cuts in his flesh; including the gaping hole where his left eye once was. The Princess wasn't bothered by it, she found it quite intriguing. "I'm going to have to sew this up, in order for it to heal properly, or as best as it will..." She looked down and dug her hand around in a small hidden pocket in her skirt, pulling out a pin cushion and some black thread; starting to fix up the makeshift stitches string.

"It's nothing I can't handle..." Stayne weakly spoke, his voice barley a whisper. It wasn't like little needle pokes would do much more damage or pain that he was already in. Iracebeth gave a nod and held the needle at his first deep cut, carefully starting to stitch up his wounds as best as she could. Ilosovic kept his now only good eye on her. "Why are you here? Why are you helping me?...You could get in trouble, or worse; get me more in trouble." He stated, looking away from her to the wall off in the distance.

A smile mischievous smile appeared on Iracebeth's lips, giving a faint shrug of her shoulders as she finished sewing up the first cut, moving onto the next; she was going to leave the big hole of last. "I have a proposition for you Ilosovic...A chance for revenge, on my father...and...Mi'wana." Stayne's eye shifted back to her, a rather heartbroken glint in his eye as he was trying his best to fight back tears. He felt like his heart was taken, ripped out of him. He was so foolish to think that it would ever work out and yet he never thought this would be the outcome. He never thought that his eye would be stollen. The thought of all of it made him angry, furious. He was destined for greater things, better things. He deserved better than this. He finally came too and gave a faint nod. "Alright...Revenge. What do you have in mind?"

"Well..." Iracebeth started off, finishing sewing up the next wound. She then looked down at the gaping hole where his eye use to be, letting out a faint sigh as she started to fix it up as best as she could. "That speech you gave to me a few weeks ago really inspired me dear Stayne, I've thought over it constantly. Your right, I deserve better....We deserve better!" She paused, tying off the knot and snapped the thread in her fingers; finishing sewing his wounds shut. Stayne's wounded brow raised a little, letting out a faint wince when he did. He slowly sat up from where he was laying, sitting next to her as he stared at her.

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