Chapter Three: A Disagrement to the Throne

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"I am very pleased with our new addition to my ranks, but I must move on to more important matters. Matters involving the royal family." King Oleron's voice boomed through the throne room once again, which caught Ilosovic's attention; snapping his mind out from the events that just happened. He was trying his best to keep his excitement to himself and hold a strong posture. He had duties now, he were to be looked at differently now. So his attention moved over to the King once again, holding his head up high and listened. He had been slightly distracted when a rather pale looking fellow with bright orange hair quickly raced by him holding his hat to his face in attempts to not be seen; which for the lad was very obvious that he was in fact seen by spectators. His eyes watched at this man quickly took his positions with some other orange haired folk standing off to the side; taking a rather large box in his hands. Ilosovic figured he was a Hightop; knowing the family due to the fact that Tyva Hightop, wife of the infamous hatmaker of Witzend, Zanik Hightop; customary makes Illosovic's clothing due to his rather tall height and lanky appendages. He gave a faint shrug and turned his attention back up to the king.

"I congratulate you, my daughter Princess Mirana on coming to age." He paused and then turned to look at Iracebeth. There was a slight hesitance in the kings face but he held his head high. "Though I am here today to announce that my crown and my throne shall be passed down to Princess Iracebeth upon my death." The crowd was silent, the only one to clap was Princess Mirana. It was a rather awkward silence, the citizens didn't seem to fond of the idea that Iracebeth would be Queen. Illosovic had no problem with the idea, despite having a short temper; he sought that Iracebeth had a well level head to rule over Underland; figuratively.

King Oleron then motioned for Zanik Hightop to come forward, which he had turned to the younger las that ran by him earlier to open the box. In that box rested a small gold crown decorated in red rubies which was requested on by Iracebeth herself. Zanik then turned to Iracebeth and stood behind her starting to place the crown upon the princesses rather large head. The Hightop seemed to be having a rather difficult time placing the crown on her overly grown dome, which Iracebeth was starting to get frustrated and rather embarrassed about. A few quiet giggles erupted from the crowd as the predicament went down which Illosovic felt sorry for the young princess. He had to admit though, he himself didn't think that crown would be able to be placed properly on her head. He even questioned why her head was rather large but never asked about it in the two years he had been living in the castle walls. It seemed as if it was something no one ever talked about.

Illosovic's thoughts had been cut short when he heard the rather loud snap coming over from Iracebeth, his eyes quickly coming into focus as he watched the crown split in two and pieces of the crown fell onto the floor. A gasp emerged from the audience and one lady decided to speak up rather harshly. "Her head is too big for a crown! We should put a bag over her head!" She laughed out.

"How dare you!" Iracebeth shot out, quickly standing up from her throne which caused Zanik to back up next to his family. "How dare all of you! I should put a bag over your head! I should put a bag over all of your heads! I should cut out your tongue! Or sew up your lips! I should cut off your ears! Or cut off...I should cut off...Or Off with your heaa—"

"Iracebeth!" King Orleon's voice quickly shouted, taking a step to his overly distressed daughter. "I can see now by your outbursts that you are not fit to take over the throne, to be queen." He then glanced to the citizens sitting before them before turning fully. "I have made a mistake. I take back what I said, and on the day of my passing, the throne and the crown should go to my youngest daughter; Princess Mirana." He held out his hand to the younger princess who quickly arose from her seat. Shock filled the air. Iracebeth was furious, looking at her family whom now at this moment; unknowingly to them, she disowned. "I hate you...I hate you all!" She shouted, her face turning rather red like a strawberry and her head slowly began to grow just a little bit bigger than it was before. She quickly turned to the Hightops and muttering rather angrily at them before storming off and getting stopped by Mirana who she had only pulled away from and ran off screaming that now one loved her. One by one the royal family quickly ran after Iracebeth.

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