Nasal 1: Snack Time

189 31 10

There's always that kid,

doing what his parents should have forbid.

It's something we've all seen,

a child digging,

for something green.

If it was not put away,

or at least put back,

It would most likely become,

a tiny little snack!

Heading towards the child,

out of stupid curiosity,

you ask questions,

for the sake of veracity.

You'll be told about that sample of gene,

"It's a great source of easy protein!"

You'll be told about that mucus-made munchy,

"It's like a chip! Very crunchy.

It can also be chewy,

Be slimy or even gooey.

I like them mostly because they're nice and salty,"

And he'll defend his diet as not-at-all faulty.

The child will continue for hours,

almost as if to brag,

and since it was you who asked,

it's your fault you're gonna gag!  

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