Nasal 3: Daggers

31 10 1

Don't say it's never happened,

you know you've felt the sting,

the singe,

the scratches and scars,

and all those deep ass wounds.

You know the feel,

with the nostrils arid.

All inside

hardens over,

like water in the winter,

or crotches in a whore house.

All inside then shards and points,

against walls and hairs,

causing a breathing whistle,

as you inhale and exhale

through the nasal instrument,

its sound unique only to one,

for no formation,

no combination,

is same in any two noses.

But then comes the part,

when someone pinches the smeller,

and all the daggers,

on walls of the sniffer,

stab through the skin,

with hardened nostril excrement,

causing pain most odd,

and awkward to explain.

A/N: Thank you everyone for 2k reads and helping CLUCK NO reach the top 100 in poetry! Remember to vote on your favorite poems and comment any suggestions or criticism to help me do better next time!

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