Disclaimer and Author's Note

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Disclaimer: My name is not Eva Elizabeth Winkles and I do not have a sister named Darin Grace. My father is not Seth Winkles, my aunt is not Darin Winkles, and my adopter sister is not Eva Maxwell. Everything in this book, the places, the people, the events, were not based off of true events in my own life. All of this is a work of fiction.

This book was published as the 'Just Write It!' challenge for June 2016. Excluding the disclaimer and author's note, you've read a total of 10,735 words.

Author's Note: I support gay rights and believe that it's only fair that you love who you want to love. If you don't support gay rights, 1) Why did you read this book? 2) Please don't hate on others who do support gay rights, whether it's me, my readers, or people that you know in the real world, and 3) Although I don't agree with your opinion, I respect it. Please do the same to my opinion as well as other people's.

As humans, we have the right to love whoever we want to love. Being gay isn't a choice or a lifestyle, it's part of you. You cannot "turn it off", you cannot "get it out if your head", and you cannot "give it away"(yes, I've heard all of those). People can love whoever they want. I don't tell you who you can and can't love, so why are you telling them?

If you are gay, lesbian, bi, or anything else, please know that there are people who support you and will fight with you.

Finally, thank you for reading my book, it means a lot to me. Vote, comments, follow, I don't really care. Thank you again for supporting me, and I hope that you enjoyed it.

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